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 Do Democrats and Republicans need each other? (12)

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joecavalry(40130) pic

Do Democrats and Republicans need each other?

There are more poor Democrats than rich Democrats, so who would pay for their healthcare? ;)

Please help me out.  I can't think of a single reason why the Republicans need the Democcrats ;)


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Actually, when it comes to federal taxes paid vs. Federal money received it seems that the democrats are paying more in federal taxes and receiving less for their money. But don't you hate it when facts get in the way of a perfectly good generalization?

As far as why Republicans need we really want our schools teaching the Flintstones as a documentary?

Supporting Evidence: Scientists Visit the Creation Museum (

That's they way to stick it to the man :)


JakeJ(3255) Disputed
1 point

Actually, when it comes to federal taxes paid vs. Federal money received it seems that the democrats are paying more in federal taxes and receiving less for their money.

They're printing it now.

We don't have the money now. Obama is purposely destroying the private sector by printing money. This year alone we're going to be over budget by $2.2 trillion.

We don't have money that he's spending now. The money that he is spending technically hasn't even been earned yet. The money he's spending now will be earned by people's children and grandchildren and great-grandchildren, but he's printing and spending it now.

Side: distraction
1 point

Servilius Damocrates (or Democrates, Greek: Δαμοκράτης, Δημοκράτης) was a Greek physician at Rome in the middle to late 1st century CE. He may have received the praenomen "Servillius" from his having become a client of the Servilia gens. Galen calls him άριστός ἰατρός, and Pliny says he was "e primis medentium," and relates his cure of Considia, the daughter of Marcus Servilius. He wrote several pharmaceutical works in Greek iambic verse, of which there only remain the titles and some extracts preserved by Galen.

Supporting Evidence: wedding cakes (
Side: distraction
3 points

The endless Democrat vs Republican fight keeps us distracted so that we don't pay close attention to the ever growing government.

Side: distraction
1 point

Servilius Damocrates (or Democrates, Greek: Δαμοκράτης, Δημοκράτης) was a Greek physician at Rome in the middle to late 1st century CE. He may have received the praenomen "Servillius" from his having become a client of the Servilia gens. Galen calls him άριστός ἰατρός

Supporting Evidence: Promotional Merchandise (
Side: distraction

Sure, who would they argue with otherwise? ;)


Side: distraction
1 point

The Government


Side: distraction

Absolutely! The far left and the far right balance each other out; besides, ideas couldn't be formed without a juxtaposition.

Side: yes
1 point

They really need each other to point out their flaws.

Most of their beliefs wouldn't be created without the other guy saying stupid shit (welfare and homophobia).

Side: yes
1 point

Democracy is a political government either carried out directly by the people (direct democracy) or by means of elected representatives of the people (Representative democracy).

Supporting Evidence: wedding veils (
Side: yes

Of course we need each other for balance. How would we ever come up with such good ideas for government with the two main parties? Conversely Joe, I can't think of a single reason the Democrats need the works both ways.

Side: yes