
Debate Info

Oh God Yes! No, not really
Debate Score:7
Total Votes:8
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 Oh God Yes! (5)
 No, not really (1)

Debate Creator

Hellno(17724) pic

Do You Thank God for Stuff? Like Sex or Food or Happiness?

Oh God Yes!

Side Score: 5

No, not really

Side Score: 2
1 point

Food- Yep.

Side: Oh God Yes!
Kite626(714) Clarified
1 point

Why is it that you always create a debate, with response to your own debate?

Side: Oh God Yes!
1 point

Well... if you haven't noticed there almost no one on this site. If I don't talk to myself, who will talk to me?

Side: Oh God Yes!
1 point

yes we should thank god for all the goodness in the world-------------------

Side: Oh God Yes!
1 point

I thank God for a lot of things in my life.

Side: Oh God Yes!
1 point

He has provided us with all - so why not? Not that everyone says it after everything, just like myself - but internally I'm grateful.

Side: Oh God Yes!

Thank who?

Side: No, not really