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YES! no, not really, no, why?
Debate Score:7
Total Votes:9
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 no, not really, no, why? (3)

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joecavalry(40163) pic

Do conservatives get your panties in a bunch?


Side Score: 0

no, not really, no, why?

Side Score: 7
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4 points

Ultimately, we all need to accept the fact that there will be some one out there with a different opinion than us. As well as the fact that there is no one right way to think about an issue as demonstrated by this great website! I personally have some conservative points of view, and some more liberal stances.

Side: no, not really, no, why?
2 points

First of all, I don't wear panties; too much risk of them getting bunched up. Wearing loose underwear decreases the risk of becoming enraged by a debate.

Secondly, there cannot always be a single right answer, and anyone who believes otherwise is in the rare situation of clearly being completely wrong about something. We cannot always remain calm in the face of opposition, nor can we expect the opposition to do the same. Expecting there to be no opposition on any issue is quite simply moronic, and so I try my best to only become angry with an individual argument and not the entire side of a debate it represents.

Side: no, not really, no, why?