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Debate Score:4
Total Votes:4
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DrawFour(2662) pic

Do you agree or disagree with special 'Freedom of speech' free zones?

A zone, or marked area, where you legally relinquish the right to express yourself, and or can only say what is on a set of list of permitted things to say, and the act of saying whatever you want in one of these zones would mean your arrest.


Side Score: 2


Side Score: 2
1 point

I agree! Everyone has thoughts. Thoughts should be expressed in order for people to understand the mindset you have or what kind of person you are.

"Freedom of Speech" is usually misunderstood. It means that you have to say what you think but you don't have the right to hate someone or bash him/her

Side: Yes

If the zone has a sign forbidding Freedom of Speech, then the warning was given and anyone not heeding to the warning should be reprimanded.

Side: Yes
1 point

A zone, or marked area, where you legally relinquish the right to express yourself, and or can only say what is on a set of list of permitted things to say, and the act of saying whatever you want in one of these zones would mean your arrest.

What exactly are you referring too?

Side: No
1 point

And if you don't like my opinion, you can fuck off. I have no obligation to kiss your ass. Such is the nature of free speech, it's not there to protect the ideas you agree with, it's there to protect the ideas that are unpopular. And a public area that excludes such a freedom is a stain on civilized society.

Side: No