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Debate Score:18
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DaWolfman(3324) pic

Do you believe in Absolutes?

This is for JC


Side Score: 9


Side Score: 9

Yes, I believe in Absolut with tonic water and a lime twist ;)

Side: yes
DaWolfman(3324) Disputed
1 point

Ha but you mispelled the name of the vodka its absolut, therfore you have not answered my question.

Side: No

Thank God for that little edit button. ;)

BTW, your question is wrong in that it should say, "Absolutes" ;)

And instead of "Yes" it should be absolutely ;)

And instead of "No" it should be absolutely not!!! ;)

Side: No
1 point

I believe Truth is the only absolute.

No matter how you answer the question, Yes or No, you are making an absolute answer for something that is ultimately unknowable, as usual. Have fun.

Side: yes
Twentytwo(16) Disputed
1 point

"Quid est veritas?"

But seriously, a statement of one's belief in absolutes is not in itself an absolute. All positions of belief are tentative. For myself, I only believe in absolutes for as long as they can travel as concepts. I believe in conceptual absolutes, which for the sake of example, could be sold under the brand name of the Law of Identity. A=A or, as Leibniz would have it, "Everything is what it is." There seems to be no conceptual wiggle-room here, so I would say this concept represents an absolute. Truth seems to me to be on shakier ground with regard to its status as an absolute.

Side: yes
1 point

Yes, though I have no way of proving it, and no examples exist of its existence. But it would seem at the heart of everything must be an Absolute of one sort or another, or the entire universe would be constantly shifting and you wouldn't even be reading this. Does evidence of no evidence equal an evidence of its own? Like Bradford said, have fun.

Side: yes
1 point

Of course. We need air to breathe, food and water to live, you can't be dry and wet at the same time, you can't eat at burger king unless you eat at taco bell first, and so on.

Side: yes



Side: Absolutely
1 point

Are kittens cute? Absolutely yes.

Is the sun hot? Absolutely yes.

Does diet coke taste like cancer, even if it's okay to drink? Absolutely yes. =P

Side: yes
1 point

It is absolutely immoral to take delight in causing an injury.

Side: yes

Now I don't know if we're talking about vodka or in absolutes!!! Dang you guys could confuse a horse goin' west. Anyway I don't believe in absolutes because nothing is. Circumstances change everything so nothing can be. What you think you'd do in any situation could be turned around in a heartbeat when confronted by the unknown and there is always an unknown quantity in all we think, say or do.

Side: No

OK, so there's no right and wrong? And if that's the case, then there's no reason to get all fired up about any argument because it's correctness could change in the future ;)

Side: yes
1 point

But isn't "there are no absolutes" itself an absolute position?


Side: Maybe
1 point

"If you swear that there's no truth, and who cares, how come you say it like you're right?" :D I love Bright Eyes. The end.

Side: No
1 point

If there were absolutes, this site would be defunct.

Also, just throwing this out there, but by posting this, I've tipped the balance away from being tied to being absolutely on one side of the issue, ironic given my stance on it.

Side: No
1 point

That's the funny thing, you can't BELIEVE in absolutes. Fans of certainty and absolutism KNOW

Side: No