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Yeah Noo
Debate Score:36
Total Votes:42
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 Yeah (16)
 Noo (13)

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Kinda(1649) pic

Do you believe in tough love?


People associate tough love with raising children and raising children only.

Raising children is part of it but I mean everything else too - from athletes to criminals. Tough love. Enjoy.


Side Score: 18


Side Score: 18
2 points

Children aren't idiots.

You set down rules, and learn to be consistent, then the "toughness" is minimal.

Side: Yeah
2 points

Yes you need tough love, because if you don't show tough love, people (that includes children, family, coworkers, ect.) will end up walking all over you, tough love to me isn't really spanking, it"s more like saying no and meaning it. Being able to know when to say no and being respected for saying no and standing your ground and not letting iyourself be swayed even though it is killing you inside to have to say no.

Side: Yeah
0 points

Hell yeah.

Especially these days when kids think that the world runs on their fucking feelings. Ofcourse this is mostly for the guys.. it's different with the girls.

Side: Yeah
kamranw(232) Disputed
2 points

Especially these days when kids think that the world runs on their fucking feelings.

This is one of the most ignorant comments I have read. Are you a parent? Of course a parent must worry for their child's feelings! If they don't, who will?

Side: Noo
Kinda(1649) Disputed
1 point


THAT is one of the most ignorant comments. Ofcourse feelings have an importance - doesn't mean the world should run on them.

Side: Yeah
Integrity(73) Disputed
1 point

What evidence do you have that kids believe "the world runs on their feelings"? That's certainly not my experience of what most kids believe. How would tough love help?

Why do you believe in tough love for boys, but not for girls? In what way should they be treated differently, and why? Is it logical to treat children differently based on accidental characteristics?

Side: Noo
Kinda(1649) Disputed
1 point

LOOL are you stupid or retarded?

Being interested in psychology you should have a clue about how many westerners are obsessed with their feelings and how it filters through the whole society.

The education system is probably the best example of how their feelings play the biggest role.

I'm sorry... your second paragraph just shows you're sitting their with stupid questions but not answers...

Side: Yeah
dacey(1040) Banned
0 points

I agree with kamranw. However i myself have smacked my kids in the past.Obviously it worked on deterring them from danger and some bad behaviour , as the youngest is 9 and the eldest is 19 with two in between but i havent smacked either of them now for many years.They are all now at an age where , where it counts they can be maturely reasoned with. I doubt i would ever smack them again. But i would never beat them. Corporal punishment on a child is wrong. I used to respectfully bend over and touch my toes and recieve a flogging many times til i could take no more and would run away and rebel further. It didnt work on me.......................................... No you dont have kids , do you dear Kinda. As a parent you can only do your best and you ought to prepare yourself unfortunately for the worst , as no-one is born with a manual , and at a point in our lives , at whatever age , we all chose to live our own lives.And we dont all chose the same paths. Here is a little eg: I smoke , i started at 11, my mum used to smoke , as a teen i was caught smoking 14 times , which resulted in various punishments , usually a flogging , once i was forced to smoke 1 cig after the other not drawing it into my lungs but just into my mouth and then had to gulp it into my belly , i was basically eating the smoke, i got to about the seventh and was violently ill . Obviously this taught me nothing as i just , cursed them for being evil , ran away , and the first thing i did was have a cig to calm my nerves. I still smoke. I have four kids .My 19 year old smokes .He started at 15 , despite my cautions. My other kids 9-14 dont smoke . And i hope they dont. I teach them it is bad for their health. They have seen how smoking has taken a toll on me. My 14 year old ,Mr nature ,has got a real issue with it and he is my driving force in quitting. My girls they are young and they understand it is important not to copy mummy in all her dirty habits. One thing for sure , if any of them do smoke , like silly me and their older brother , i wont be punishing any of them for it .

Side: tough love not abuse
1 point

So what you're trying to say is.................................................


Please keep arguments relevant to the topic and as clear and concise as possible.

Thank you.

Side: Yeah
dacey(1040) Banned
1 point

"So what you're trying to say is.................................................???"

Exactly what i just said. But what are you trying to say ???

"Please keep arguments relevant to the topic and as clear and concise as possible." ............................................................................................... Please stop changing the topic and be as clear and concise as possible. Thankyou.

Side: Yeah
2 points

Assuming we are talking about hitting a child, it is completely unnecessary. There are many means of punishment and discipline that do not involve violence such as, grounding, taking away privileges etc. The problem is that this involves a parents discipline as well because they must be diligent in enforcing these punishments. So, in the end, they just turn to violence. A child should never fear their parents. They should respect them.

Side: Noo
Kinda(1649) Disputed
1 point

Why not fear your parents or more accurately fear the consequence of bad behaviour? Doesn't mean you can't respect them either.

And no I don't just mean raising a child or beating a child. I mean in everything. Education, work, home, law, police etc. I feel the world has gone too soft.

Side: Yeah
1 point

And no I don't just mean raising a child or beating a child. I mean in everything. Education, work, home, law, police etc. I feel the world has gone too soft.

I agree that the world has gone too soft, I just don't agree with hitting a child in any circumstance. If by tough love, you mean strict discipline I agree with you.

Why not fear your parents or more accurately fear the consequence of bad behavior?

I do not feel fear should exist when it comes to parents. I have always listened to my parents, even in adulthood and I have never feared them. The only thing I feared was disappointing the two people that would do and give anything for me to be happy and successful. Teaching respect will get you a lot further than fear.

Side: Noo
dacey(1040) Banned
1 point

My cousin , believes in tough love. But his oppinion on tough love and my oppinion on tough love is so very different. EG: If his young son cries when hurt or upset , he says things like " Suck it up , you girl or i will give you something to cry about " I understand he thinks he is trying to toughen his boy into a man , but i dont believe this is the way to go. I dont think he realizes what the possible depth of what his own hand plays, in instigating possible behaviours . Behaviours that i know he would personally detest.

Side: tough love not abuse

I think tough love is cruel to a child. It will also confuse a child and make him become angrier.

Side: Noo
0 points

no because if its tough it isnt love. you can associate that phrase with whatever but love still means love. love is gentle and passionate not tough

Side: Noo
0 points

Did U like ur mom spankin u?

Kids need to be respected, They are all same humans .

Side: Noo