
Debate Info

Crumple Fold
Debate Score:4
Total Votes:5
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 Crumple (2)
 Fold (2)

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bball31(88) pic

Do you crumple or fold your toilet paper when you wipe?

At my youth group the question we ask every new person is if they crumple or fold so i want to see how many people crumple and fold


Side Score: 2


Side Score: 2
1 point


Should help you in your search for an answer.

Here is my answer from the top debate : age 410 days old.

Eh sadly I crumple, I might try folding but I have always crumpled, I take a length about a little over half my arm and crumple the first part use then crumple some more until it is all used and crumpled. I don't think I am wasting any more T paper than anyone else. Funny that nobody else has posted on this side =\

Side: Crumple
john00(14) Clarified
1 point

Finally, it's important to ensure that the toiletroom is equipped with all the necessary accessories, such as a toilet brush, paper towels, toilet paper, and other necessary items. These can make all the difference in terms of providing a hygienic and comfortable experience for the user.

Side: Crumple
0 points

Crumpling is better and it is proven to get in the crevisses and get all the junk out of your crack so its comfortable.

Side: Crumple
1 point

Why would you crumple your tp? That just wastes the tp. Plus why would you make a debate like this? Idk why i even clicked on this.

Side: FOLD

I normally start with folded and then refold but a lot of the time it ends up crumpled.

Side: FOLD