
Debate Info

Yes, I definitely agree! Hell no!!!
Debate Score:33
Total Votes:33
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 Yes, I definitely agree! (15)
 Hell no!!! (14)

Debate Creator

Joel_Mathews(2284) pic

Do you like watching anime?

Many people nowadays watch anime and some of them even take after them. Do you support it?

Yes, I definitely agree!

Side Score: 19

Hell no!!!

Side Score: 14
2 points

Yes, it's awesome!

For example, Mushishi is one of the most beatiful pieces of art that I've seen, and it happens that it is an anime. I can go with many, many examples, but this is not the right place to do that.

Side: Yes, I definitely agree!
2 points

Yes, I do because it's amazing how the action scenes are and how I'm interested in the story line of a lot of anime. I'm currently watching 11 different anime right now. Keeping up with some, but trying to catch up to others.

Side: Yes, I definitely agree!
1 point

I just like the fighting. Fuck those faggot ass story lines.

Side: Yes, I definitely agree!
1 point

Yea the fighting is pretty cool!!! I mean it different from real fighting in all those other movies

Side: Yes, I definitely agree!
1 point

Fighting, in most movies, is terribly choreographed.

They take bits and pieces of the actors movements and put them in a choppy sequence. There is no fluidity at all when they do that. In the anime, at least I can usually see every move , every block, counter, etc. And pretty often, those fighting moves are based off of ACTUAL fighting styles and so I've learned a lot from watching anime, while enjoying the creativity they added in with all the flashy jutsu, cursed fruit, elemental bending, etc.

Side: Yes, I definitely agree!
1 point

YEAH, why not. Most of them have a good plot and a good story line!!!! Its kinda interesting. I mean like really, Try it people, its not as stupid as you think. I thought it was stupid at first but my brother had shown me it pretty chill. TRY SOMETHING NEW, huh that's what makes life interesting, new things

Side: Yes, I definitely agree!

I have no idea why people watch anime.. It is pointless and it is a waste of time

Side: Hell no!!!
ProLogos(2794) Clarified
2 points

You must be the least creative one within the troll brigade.

How does it feel to be the weakest link?

Side: Yes, I definitely agree!
Srom(12206) Clarified
1 point

Anime is basically Japanese TV shows but they are animated, and they have a really gripping story line and with many different genre's to choose from. You should try to watch an episode or two from some and see if you like it. :)

Side: Yes, I definitely agree!
1 point

I do not like watching anime.

I like masturbating to it though, so I'm not sure if that's an exception.

Side: Hell no!!!
Cuaroc(8829) Clarified
1 point

Careful you don't want to be an even worse troll than Joel_Mathews do you?

Side: Yes, I definitely agree!
instig8or(3308) Disputed
1 point

I identify as a human being, do you identify as a troll?

Side: Yes, I definitely agree!
Iulmi(252) Disputed
1 point

Then, that isn't kind of contradictory?

Or it's just that you dislike it but you are into sadomasochism?

Side: Yes, I definitely agree!
instig8or(3308) Disputed
1 point

You cannot be both into sadism and masochism, that's psychologically impossible even for someone with split personality (where one may be sadistic and the other neutral or reverse but never both total opposites).

Side: Hell no!!!