
Debate Info

Yup. Who? Me? No, not me.
Debate Score:3
Total Votes:3
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 Who? Me? No, not me. (3)

Debate Creator

jolie(9810) pic

Do you suffer from witzelsucht?


Side Score: 0

Who? Me? No, not me.

Side Score: 3
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1 point

No, I'm pretty much in control of myself all the time wiener boob heiny.

Side: Who? Me? No, not me.
1 point

I speak German and am pretty sure there's no such word.

Although in Deutsch the word sucht means search.

So how bout you tell us what you're trying to ask and I'll tell ya how to say it correctly in German?

Side: Who? Me? No, not me.
1 point

How about you Google it? ;)

Side: Who? Me? No, not me.