
Debate Info

Yes, and that's GOOD Yes, and that's BAD
Debate Score:11
Total Votes:11
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 Yes, and that's GOOD (5)
 Yes, and that's BAD (2)

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excon(18262) pic

Do your remember your dead pets with the same emotion that you remember your dead parents?

Yes, and that's GOOD

Side Score: 8

Yes, and that's BAD

Side Score: 3
2 points

Family is family.

True, I miss my parents more than my dogs. Some of that is because, I have a larger number of detailed memories that involve my parents than my dogs.

It is a difference in frequency and occasional intensity, but what the emotions are is the same.

Side: Yes, and that's GOOD
2 points

Hello marcus:

I'm funny about stuff like that... When I fall in love, I seem to STAY in love, and that goes all the way back to Jane Crocker in grade 2.. I love them ALL equally..

If I think about it, I'll think I SHOULD miss my parents more --- but, I don't. I miss Fritz the Cat just as much as I miss Mom..


Side: Yes, and that's GOOD
2 points

If I think about it, I'll think I SHOULD miss my parents more --- but, I don't. I miss Fritz the Cat just as much as I miss Mom..

I know some people think we should miss (and value) people more than animals, but I don't think that is the most reasonable position.

It certainly is not the most realistic position in many cases. Many people are less than likable, and lots of hard-to-like people become parents.

Even in the case of likable people, it is often easier to forgive a dog or cat than a person because our expectations of pets are easier to meet than our expectations of people, especially the people who are most important to us. If all we really demanded of people is that they don't chew or claw the furniture, and don't crap in our shoes or piss on the carpet, we would probably miss them as much as our pets.

Side: Yes, and that's GOOD
1 point

Humans value human life more because they are humans, need I elaborate?

In reality no one and nothing matters, the universe doesn't care if you live or die whether you're a precious little human snowflake or not.

Side: Yes, and that's GOOD
1 point

Where'd the universe come from

Side: Yes, and that's BAD

All of my pets are still slive. They do not die pecause they are pets.

Side: Yes, and that's BAD