
Debate Info

.999999 =1 1 is a different number
Debate Score:8
Total Votes:10
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 .999999 =1 (4)

Debate Creator

corinne99(46) pic

Does 0.(9) = 1

i am soo confused

.999999 =1

Side Score: 8

1 is a different number

Side Score: 0
3 points

This is a really tricky one to get your head around. Professional mathematicians have accepted that 0.(9) does equal 1 because each real number does not have to have a unique decimal expansion, nonzero infinitesimal real numbers son't always have to exist, and the expansion of 0.(9) never terminates.

The mathematical proof is as follows:

1 = 9/9 = 9x(1/9) = 9x0.(1) = 0.(9)

Since the equation is valid, 0.(9) must equal 1.

Side: .999999 =1

Yeah, and 2 + 2 = 5 for very large values of 2. ;)

Side: .999999 =1
3 points

...or very small values of 5.

Side: .999999 =1
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