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YeshuaBought(2848) pic

Does God make sense?


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God exists, but He does not make sense at all. Faith does not come naturally to me, and I am tired of suffering for God. And God that allows mental illness to happen to anyone has a cruel streak.

Side: No.
Aur0ra(158) Clarified
1 point

God exists, but He does not make sense at all. Faith does not come naturally to me

In other words you have to convince yourself over and over again of a pre-established belief but if you let reason take over and stopped holding on to it you would see that there is not that much of a basis for the belief.

God that allows mental illness to happen to anyone has a cruel streak.

If there is some form of God, it clearly does not inherently care for the well-being of sentient beings, because it creates hellish scenarios for many of them for absolutely no good reason.

Side: Yes.
1 point

Well. I guess that depends on how you believe God operates. Do you believe he controls everything and everyone? Or do you believe he gave us all free will and judges us in the end on what we do with it? We all have challenges, some mental, some physical, we can't let those challenges define us, only how we act and/or rise above them. When I was young I read a poem that has left a lasting impression on me. I would recommend you read 'Footprints in the Sand'.

Side: No.
1 point

My opinion is that God for me,I don't know if he is real and if he even knows us if he is real. There is the science theory that disputes God's creation and the Bible that disputes science. So who exactly are we supposed to believe in GOD or SCIENCE

Side: No.
NomIsDumb(54) Clarified
1 point

who exactly are we supposed to believe in GOD or SCIENCE

The obvious answer is science. With science there is objective truth but plenty of room to speculate, with God there is blind faith in one of many conflicting "truths" that can't even be confirmed and demand total mindless belief rather than open minded speculation and conclusions based on evidence and logic.

Side: Yes.
BurritoLunch(6566) Clarified
1 point

With science there is objective truth

No there isn't you stupid idiot. I've explained this to you half a dozen times. Science can't define truth or reality in the present moment, only in the past.

Side: Yes.