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Yes What are logarithms?
Debate Score:26
Total Votes:34
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 Yes (9)
 What are logarithms? (6)

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joecavalry(40131) pic

Does conventional education suppress logarithmic thinking more than it should?

logarithmic thinking


Side Score: 14

What are logarithms?

Side Score: 12

One interesting thing about the article is that it gives one plausible reason for the feeling that time is flying by as we get older.

Side: Yes

Basically the logarithmic paradigm is that there more there is of something, the less it is worth / valued.

Side: Yes

People talk about the good old days and how every one was part of a closely knit community and how we seem to be striving towards that. This becomes clear when you try to buy a house and they try to sell you on the community aspect of it. They build parks as one way to get people to leave their homes and mingle. But most people still stay at home. Maybe because there's a good possibility that they'll find some one they don't agree with or get along with. Kind of like this site. One way to try and get along is to be PC. But that's not who you are. Another approach is to be who you are and try to fix the problem that arise in a civilized manner.

Side: Yes
1 point

I wasn't able to read the entire article, but regardless, I agree that the current education system does little to educate. We seem to focus on teaching children rules and facts, without teaching them how to think. Critical thinking is reserved in most schools for just the gifted classrooms, as though those are the only students we can trust to genuinely grow up to be thinkers.

Side: yes
3 points

yes conventional eductaion does suppress logarithmic

Side: What are logarithms?

Logarithms are types of wood used to create percussion instruments. Only logs with the very best rhythm are used.

Side: What are logarithms?
3 points

i am so gullible, i believed that... oops....

Side: What are logarithms?
0 points

That's so stupid. Why can't you be a little more creative.

Side: Yes
0 points

Why don't you put a question mark at the end of a question?

Side: What are logarithms?