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Debate Score:16
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TroyB(173) pic

Does the Illuminati actually exist?

Support your ideas with facts and evidence. 


Side Score: 9


Side Score: 7
2 points

The Illuminati never completely disappeared from popular culture — it was always burbling in the background. But in the mid-1970s, the Illuminati made a marked comeback thanks to a literary trilogy that gave the group the simultaneously spooky and basketball stars laughable image it holds today.

The Illuminatus Trilogy, by Robert Shea and Robert Anton Wilson, depicted the Illuminati with ironic detachment. This trilogy became a countercultural touchstone, and its intermingling of real research — Weishaupt, the founder of the real Illuminati, is a character — with fantasy helped put the Illuminati back on the radar.

Side: Yes
2 points

There are many conspiracy Mini Crossword theories that claim the Illuminati still exists and that it is a powerful group that secretly controls world events.

Side: Yes
1 point

It's a big weird world. They probably do. But I find it impossible they are as powerful as given credit or that the imagined plots you see in fiction would be true. They're probably more like elk or rotary or masons, just more secretive.

Side: Yes
VernaAnd(1) Clarified
1 point

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Side: Yes
thinline(4) Disputed
1 point

It is incredible to see how talented the author is as a writer. @free games

Side: No
1 point

The Illuminati is a name given to both a real and fictitious society. It is the first filmmaker that has entered the Bavarian museum and actually shown us the real documents from the Illumina

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Side: Yes
1 point

It was mainly an organization founded to oppose religious influence, which means illuminati is evil. It has been hidden for quite some time and some say it is a conspiracy theory, some say it is real. I'd say, there is evidence to prove that they want it to be believed that it doesn't exist. But they do exist, which is just the truth behind everything. I do not believe in coincidences and I do know that there are some major events that aren't just an accident, in fact it is caused by this group and they make people believe it isn't them. So if illuminati truly didn't exist, how else would these events go on? A hoax? No. There has been alot going on, besides Covid and also talks between politicians, especially corrupt ones and even the corporate elite about the New World Order. It's all part of the same thing; to create a global regime that enslaves humanity to a hive mind method. They want your freedom, they want your property, they want your family and above all, they want you to submit without question. With the alphabet cult aka lgbtpedos wanting world domination and terrorist organizations such as ISIS taking over parts of the middle east with an ambition to seduce the West, I wouldn't be surprised if it was the illuminati behind everything that's been going on. I would not be surprised if they were the ones behind insane ideologies such as the "rebirth" of Marxism, transgenderism by using one called John Money and Kinsey before him plus a few other co-conspirators along with John Money to falsify information about gender being a "social construct", the normalization of homosexuality/bisexuality which ultimately causes the events that launched forward the "Sexual Revolution" of 1969, using one called Charles Manson, which leads towards the LaBianca-Tate Murders and more. Perhaps the recent arson that has been going on has also alot to do with Illuminati, since these acts of arson has been targeting churches to also cause forest fires to spread. After all, Illuminati is guilty of being against religion right? Yeah, so it could all be linked for all I care. It does raise a hint of suspicion when you put the pieces together.

I will be the first to say, I am against this evil organization and I will fight for God and Jesus against it. I hate the Anti-Christ!

God Prevails!

Supporting Evidence: Illuminati group designation (
Side: Yes
1 point

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Side: Yes
1 point

The existence of the Illuminati is a topic of much debate and speculation. Some believe that the secret society still exists and has significant influence in various industries, while others argue that it is a myth and has no real power. However, there is no concrete evidence to support either claim, and much of the information surrounding the Illuminati is based on conspiracy theories and speculation. Ultimately, the question of whether the Illuminati exists Drive Mad 2 or not remains unanswered.

Side: Yes
1 point

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Side: No
1 point

The author's skill as a writer is astounding. They explain rankdle difficult ideas in a clear and interesting way while deftly navigating complex ones.

Side: No
1 point

of course not, Illuminati dosen't exist. 433.92Mhz RXB11 RF Modulator Module RXB11

Side: No
1 point

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Side: No
1 point

In modern times, the term "Illuminati" has been co-opted and widely used in conspiracy theories that claim a secretive group of powerful individuals or organizations control world events, connections, and politics to manipulate and shape society.

Side: No
1 point

These conspiracy theories often involve claims of manipulation, Immaculate Grid, and plans for a "New World Order." Many of these claims lack credible evidence and are widely regarded as baseless.

Side: No