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Debate Score:7
Total Votes:8
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Does the debators 'Jesus' and 'chicken' need help


Side Score: 0


Side Score: 7
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3 points

Do they need help? With what? Please clarify.

Side: i love these interesting tags
2 points

Basically Jesus and i spend our legal classes making debates and getting them on the front page.

if this means we makes debates about mickey mouses sexuality then that's what we'll do.

if that means we have a problem get me a shrink or a doctor or whatever

Side: no

No, don't mess with Jesus, He'll strike you down where you stand. Actually that's the God of the old testament. Jesus is a kinder, gentler God. Wait...., we're not talking the same thing, are we?

Hey wait, I know who you are! Didn't we go to school together?

Side: no - I like chicken - breast wing thighs