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 Drama Drama Drama (3)

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LittleMisfit(1745) pic

Drama Drama Drama

There have been a lot of drama posts lately, usually containing things like so-in-so is an idiot/troll/drama queen/bad debater/etc.  There is something very simple you can do to fix the problem, just ignore the idiots/trolls/drama queens/bad debaters.  If no one responds to their posts, they will eventually get bored and leave.  It's that simple.  I know it's tempting to take the bait sometimes, I've done it myself, but it's just not worth it.  The only way to get rid of them is to ignore them.

If you think someone is a bad debater, but isn't trying to be a troll, either don't debate with them or give them suggestions on how to be a more effective debater.  Calling them an idiot doesn't fix the problem.  Remember, not everyone is going to be a great debater right away.  It takes practice.  "Sucking at something is the first step to being sort of good at it." ~ Jake the Dog.  If they aren't willing to take advice or aren't making any progress at becoming a better debater, then just don't debate with them.

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3 points

It gets to be very difficult when the trolls are creating all the debates. They tend to focus on interesting topics still.

1 point

Truth be told, I do not mind the trolls all that much. They are sort of like internet pets that one can keep around for personal amusement; feed them now and again just to see them do their tricks: logical fallacy, CAPSLOCK, copypastecopypastecopypaste, etc.

1 point

Recent posts on "Vexatious debates" supported that we tolerate them.

Guessing this site would not be the same without them....?