
Debate Info

Agreed. Disagreed.
Debate Score:43
Total Votes:44
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 Agreed. (14)
 Disagreed. (18)

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SitaraForJesus(3819) pic

Everyone has the right to feel safe.

My moral precept for this project is what I believe to be the fact that everyone has the right to feel safe. No one should be raped, tortured, assaulted, or murdered. I do support the use of lethal force to protect one's self from these situations, but other than that, no. Hit me up.


Side Score: 18


Side Score: 25
3 points

I guess, but I'm still not to sure on the definition of a right.

Side: Agreed.
2 points

i agree with this topic because everyone has the right to feel safe in this small word.But nowadays these all things are common in world and we don't try to stop these things or stand against it.most probably girls are more tortured than boys but they are scared that this might create problems in there life,so they keep quiet.

Side: Agreed.
3 points

I can't control your feelings. At some point people will only feel safe if other people are forced to do things they wouldn't want to do. Feeling safe is too vague.

Side: Disagreed.
1 point

The fact that America has the right to ear arms in self defense says otherwise. It proves that mankind has the innate right to feel safe.

Side: Agreed.
Cartman(18192) Disputed
2 points

How many people have claimed that they will only feel safe if the right to bear arms is revoked? Many. You have the right to protect yourself, but it is up to you to feel certain ways. No one else is responsible for you feeling safe. Making it a right would mean the government would have to intervene to protect your right to feel safe. People have different ways to feel safe. These ways clash and we can't give everyone what they want.

Side: Disagreed.
2 points

Everyone does deserve assured safety but, in the natural context no one is going to be safe from what the world brings us. Torture, rape, etc. might be the human infringements we do but, we will always be in fear and insecurity to what isn't human. Countless disasters occur that aren't from us humans and we can only pray we bought some good insurance.

Hence, it wouldn't matter if everyone is granted safety because in the end no one is guaranteed safety and will be subject to uncontrollable events, things we must brave through.

Side: Disagreed.

I'm not sure how I feel about this.

The concept in itself is of course nice, but .. it's also super ficial.

We can't demand rights that are impossible to give.

Side: Disagreed.
1 point

A pedo sexually abusing a child violates the right to feel safe for example.

Side: Agreed.
1 point

It shouldn't, or not in my opinion.

I don't think it is natural to feel safe. I think it is one of our instincts to be scared, so we're prepared for what can come. If someone feels safe all the time, chances are they'll get extremely disappointed.

Side: Disagreed.