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 Evolution of humans (4)

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wonderer(6) pic

Evolution of humans

if humans evolved from monkeys, why are monkeys still around, or vise-versa.
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1 point

Well i was thinking about what i said, 'vis versa', and thought mabey if monkeys are still around, humans are not finished evolving? Or about the 'vis versa' thing, mabey monkeys are now evolving from humans so there might be more monkeys one day than humans. But none of this can be proved considering humans were created (thus adam and eve were created by god) so how was this evolutionion

process even possible in the first place???💁

negligent(202) Disputed
2 points

Adam and Eve and evolution are two different... let's call em theories... that guess the creation of humans. Asking "why humans are around if they evolved from monkeys" is exactly the same as saying “if there are snakes, why are there still lizards?”, “if there are tetrapods, why are there still fish”, or “if there are European Americans, why are there still Europeans?”.

1 point

Hello W:

We came from FISH, and I wonder WHY there are still fish around too.. Maybe my Pastor has another take on it... He knows all about science..


1 point

We came from Elmos. *