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Against it With it
Debate Score:9
Total Votes:9
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 Against it (5)

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Magna(15) pic

Factories Abusing Animals

I dont think it is right that humans who work in companies are allowed to torture and abuse animals for the sake of making a quick buck. I am not saying we should go vegan, but I think we should treat animals with the same amount of respect as we get.

Against it

Side Score: 9

With it

Side Score: 0
3 points

Let me word this the right way...

I eat meat. I can accept that death is a common and sometimes unavoidable part of life for both humans and animals. And I support animal research before products are used on humans so long as it is sensibly designed and not wasteful of animal lives.

But with all that said I generally agree with your premise that the current factory farming food prep process is repugnant, gruesome, often cruel, and even a threat to human health. When possible I buy organic. And if I were faced with a more rustic lifestyle yes I would be willing to slaughter and dress my own animals instead of buying mystery meat from a factory grinder.

Side: Against it
1 point

I understand if someone NEEDS the food, thats where the saying "Eat or Be Eaten" comes in to play. But I honestly think that what we do to animals is horrible, and humans are still allowed to do it.

Side: Against it
2 points

I hate knowing that animals are abused every single day, for our crumby frozen foods. I have watched countless videos taken inside factories that produce products such as pillows, wool, frozen meats, etc. and I feel sick to my stomach knowing this happens. We treat animals like dirt, even though they have as many rights as we do. I know the term "Survival of the Fittest" but it is a unfair to these creatures being harmed, sometimes when they are just born. We take advantages of the defenseless animals, just to make some money.

Side: Against it

I agree with everything you said. It's disgusting how humans treat animals. Just because something is less intelligent than us or a different shape, doesn't make it okay to enslave and mistreat it just because it tastes good. Animals feel pain and emotions too. Fortunately the cost of lab grown meat is dropping rapidly, so hopefully it will eventually replace live animals as a food source.

Side: Against it
1 point

Thats good. I think we should start eating artificial meats, so we can save the little guys.

Side: Against it
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