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 First Quarter Economic Growth At 0.8 Of 1 Percent (1)

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outlaw60(15368) pic

First Quarter Economic Growth At 0.8 Of 1 Percent

Wow the Obama Economy is booming is it not ! 

First-quarter economic growth checked in at a 0.8 percent annual rate, adjusted for inflation, the Bureau of Economic Analysis reported Friday in a second estimate of Gross Domestic Product. The 0.3 percentage point upward revision was roughly what private-sector economists expected, but not enough to rescue the first quarter from being a disappointment. The weak first quarter marked a slowdown from the end of 2015, which in turn only saw a tepid 1.4 percent growth rate. Yet officials in the Obama administration and the Federal Reserve expect that the disappointing first quarter will not translate into weak growth throughout the year or, even worse, a recession.Where is this booming Obama economy ?

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What percentage would you consider booming?