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Debate Score:19
Total Votes:22
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 Agree (9)
 Disagree (2)

Debate Creator

JakeJ(3255) pic

Follow the constitution.

It's simple. 


Side Score: 16


Side Score: 3
2 points


But as times change, we the people have the right to amend it.

Side: agree
2 points

Well that's in the constituion. So there are no buts. [[[ :

Side: agree
2 points

Yes, it is the founding document of the country. Respect America, its flag, its people, and its values.

Side: agree
2 points

lulz I was way tired when I made this debate. But it really is that simple isn't it.

Side: agree
1 point

I only agree because the Constitution parallels my own beliefs.

It champions Individualism and the power of the people. And it says that Treason is punishable by death, which is a good thing.

And, it's left open for interpretation.

I don't think it's right just because the Founding Fathers are perfect people who came up with a perfect document. It's just perfect for my beliefs.

Side: agree

The Constitution is a piece of jaded paper that has no relevance to the 21st century.

Side: Disagree
0 points

I didn't sign it. I wasn't even alive when it was made.

You can't sign a contract on behalf of another person without their consent.

The Social Contract: Defined and Destroyed in under 5 mins
Side: Disagree
nigelc(49) Disputed
3 points

Well than what do you propose? Living outside of any civil society? Because that's about your only alternative.

Side: agree
iamdavidh(4816) Disputed
1 point

1:39 in

- The government proposes itself as the highest and only agency of justice in the land

- The government claims justification based on the SC.

- Thus the SC must be the highest and most moral contract in existence.

o Since it is the root of all other contracts enforced by the state.

- Thus the opposite of a SC must be unjust/immoral

- If A is just, anti-A must be unjust

LMAO, he’s using logic to try and prove a logical fallacy is true. No where does the Constitution claim it is perfect, in fact the authors knew it could not be. They said as much, and put in ways for people to change it when sections were no longer relevant.

Let me explain something, I know it’s fun to be all rebellious, and to take a little knowledge and try and support some oh so new and clever way to prove the inherent evils of the big bad government.

But what exactly would you or baldy from that video there propose? Would you really like anarchy? Would you like everything to be survival of the fittest? If I have a steak, and you and your child say are starving, do you think you could wrest that steak from my hands? What is to stop anyone from doing whatever they want with you or me if they are bigger or stronger? How will you survive?

Here's what happens in anarchy. It's brutal and bloody for awhile, then eventually people figure out they need rules to follow in order to survive.

Our Constitution is the rules we follow in order to survive. It's not perfect, but it's actually really really good all things considered.

Side: agree
2 points

If anything, the Constitution is more of rules that the government needs to follow. It can enact laws, as long as it doesn't violate the Constitution.

That's why I love it so much. Technically, it's not telling ME what to do.

Side: agree
JakeJ(3255) Disputed
0 points

That's so stupid I don't even need an argument.


Side: agree