
Debate Info

for abortion against abortion
Debate Score:22
Total Votes:23
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 for abortion (8)
 against abortion (5)

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lovinlife592(6) pic

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For or Against Abortion

What are your thoughs about abortion? Should there be more religous tolerance toward abortion or not? What do you think?

for abortion

Side Score: 15
Winning Side!

against abortion

Side Score: 7
3 points

I'm for abortion. There are so MANY teen pregnancies. Many teens won't even give their kids the time of day putting the kids in neglected situations (teen mom for example). Some parents are on drugs or an alcoholic. The kids are usually left home alone with no food, no water, NOTHING. Abortion gives the parents a chance to not put a kid through that situation. Considering where im from, i see many kids on the street begging for food which just goes to show how many kids are actually in a bad situation and abortion could really help not put them in that type of situation. but then you also have to think of how you're not given a human being a chance to live. If the child could live through his or her bad situation then he would have a story to tell to encourage young teens to stay ABSTINENCE.

Side: Either Way
2 points

Holy shitnuts. Is another abortion debate really necessary? Why not look up one of the hundreds of past abortion debates and add your two cents?

Side: for abortion

Agreed, I'm getting quite sick of all the abortion debates, especially considering nobody listens to your opinion anyway.

Side: for abortion
1 point

Yeah... It is cool. What is the fuss about? Yeah... Killing a kid in the womb for really stupid reasons must be avoided. But, for really important reasons, you should just go ahead and end a life before it knows the pain of life and blames you for having been born with the disabillity that had been predicted. So it's much better you end a life before it ends it's own.

Side: for abortion
KayWin322(6) Disputed
1 point

But your not even giving that child, that human being, a chance at life. what if he/she survives it all? there's always that IF.

Side: against abortion
liza(95) Disputed
1 point

A chance to what? What if you know that the kid is going to be born with a genetic disability? A syndrome from birth. A mother loses her own life trying to fix the lives of kids who don't even know that they have been gifted a life. To whom dealing with pain and disability is a bigger deal.

Side: for abortion
2 points

I think abortion is wrong. The reason why I think abortion is wrong because you are killing a human being or a baby. Every human being should be allowed on this earth. Even if something is wrong with the baby there is no point of aborting the baby. Did you know the football player Tim Tebow before he was born the doctor told his mother that in order to save the baby they had to abort it but his mother didn't do that. She had faith and prayed to God that her son will be healthy and then a couple of weeks later the Tim Tebow was healthy and was not going to be aborted.

Side: against abortion
1 point

I am against abortion. I've heard that there is in the nature of certain individuals who die giving life descendants but we are human beings we are not insects or animals. Let's think, why we live in this world ... To earn a lot and spend, tasty to eat and defecate? Yes, it's cool! Keep it up, but when we die, we will not be up to pleasures, we simply will not. And if we do not just die, and find ourselves on the verge of extinction? I think leave a piece of yourselves or a few particles in order to insure I think better than any pleasure, that is the meaning of our multisyllabic life. But back to animals. How often the males try to attract the attention of females! Do you think for the sake of pleasure? A few times a year or several years ... No, my friends, they want to extend their family. Even the weakest male, knowing how he fuck up the whole breed, wants to leave a piece in this world, he says he lived not in vain, and we get, we live in vain, as it said: "We live, if we will never die, and die - as if we have not lived. "

Side: against abortion
Niko(101) Disputed
2 points

...we are humans beings we are not insects or animals.

Correction: We are animals, but are also intelligent.

Side: for abortion
Niko(101) Disputed
1 point

Do you think [sexual intercourse is] for the sake of pleasure?

No, but to some people, like me, sex is more about being with your partner than having children. And that is my opinion; everyone doesn't have the same opinion.

Side: for abortion
1 point

A baby is living at the time of conception. It is murder.

Side: against abortion
1 point

Why would someone abort a baby? That is mean killing a baby and destroying it's life. They have every right to live. Even if something is wrong you should still keep the baby no matter what!

Side: against abortion
2 points

Why would someone abort a baby?

Is this supposed to be a rhetorical question?

That is mean killing a baby

According to the OED, abortion refers to, "The act of giving untimely birth to offspring, premature delivery, miscarriage; the procuring of premature delivery so as to destroy offspring." The definition of a baby is "An infant, a young child of either sex." Now, obviously abortion is not killing a baby, according to the OED.

They have every right to live.

I don't see any logical arguments for your claim.

Even if something is wrong you should still keep the baby no matter what!

First, you need to define what you mean by "something is wrong". Second, why "even if"? Finally, what do you mean by "no matter what"? Are there certain conditions where abortion is seen as justified that you do not agree with? If so, where are your arguments?

Side: for abortion