
Debate Info

yes they are old no it will be ok
Debate Score:11
Total Votes:12
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 yes they are old (2)
 no it will be ok (7)

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gag1192(6) pic

Harrison Ford, Mark Hamill and Carrie Fisher: too old to star in Star Wars 7

yes they are old

Side Score: 2

no it will be ok

Side Score: 9
1 point

Maybe Ford is ok but Hamill and Fisher are too old looking and fat. It will be bad

Side: yes they are old

New blood is needed for the Star Wars reboot. It is up to Hollywood to find the right replacements.

Side: yes they are old
2 points

If Leonard Nemoy can be in the new Star Trek movies, those 3 will be ok.

Side: no it will be ok
1 point

LOL. Old Spock. That kind of bothered me though, not how he looked just that young Spock can be all "Quick! Get me Old Spock on screen now!" lol

Side: no it will be ok
1 point

Totally. They weren't satisfied with one time travel paradox, they needed another.

Side: no it will be ok
2 points

I kind of thought that at first but if they get them personal trainers, a lot of makeup and Hamill keeps his Jedi hood up... they should be okay.

Oh yeah, and no slave-girl outfits for Fisher.

Side: no it will be ok
MuckaMcCaw(1969) Clarified
3 points

Oh yeah, and no slave-girl outfits for Fisher.

Let's just play it safe and veto slave-girl outfits for all three of them.

Side: yes they are old

They are the foundation let them do it if they want to.

Side: no it will be ok
1 point

Ford yes as for the others we can have hopes.*

Side: no it will be ok

There's photoshop .

Side: no it will be ok