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Jungelson(3959) pic


 Just to say, this isn't a real debate, I just felt I had to let y'all know my disposition on this! Feel free to add anything though :P
Honestly this whole affair about one miserable bitch decides to commit suicide thing has been going on now for TOO LONG! One bitch commits suicide? So what? Why does it need to be the headline news for day after day?! Everyone should stop feeling sorry for her, what kind of a idiotic wench commits suicide ( completely disregarding her children ) just because of a prank call? BBC has been dwelling on this for so long, you have no idea what the real news in the world is. For example, today I switched on to BBC and they were saying that " Miscarriage sufferers should receive better counselling" which I thought was crap, and that nothing else happened. However, when I decide to change channel  I find that in actual fact, North Korea has launched a ballistic missile in to space, and now has the power to blow up whoever they want! BBC Needs to get its act together, their news is crap, and their presenters with their amazing time wasting skills and inane jokes, completely contrary to the news.

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2 points

I have to agree with you, but it would be hypocritical of me to not say I have supported news like this throught because it drives traffic. If it drives traffic it is good (most of the time). So, that being said, if this prank call suicide drive traffic for the BBC, then maybe that is why they are reporting on it over and over again. I would guess that when something else news worthy starts driving more traffic, then they will change what they are reporting on. One other consideration is that it may make them look sensitive to the the plight of the public in general. So, they could be gaining a PR opportunity.

Just my thoughts...

1 point

Yes I suppose you're right. However I refer to my other point that that is not actually important news! OK so some people think it is fun to watch the same dribble again and again, but the point is BBC should not do that! Even if they do get extra ratings. But yes you're absolutely right in saying that it drives traffic, though I do wish they would stop. I watch RT and more often than not I find out things on there that I would never hear on the BBC.

2 points

It's strange how many people who live outside of Britain see the Beeb as a reputable source, when in actual fact they provide mainly irrelevant coverage fueled by a raging left wing bias with complete impunity.

I wanna say they're like CNN, but I don't know CNN well enough to say.

wardogninja(1789) Clarified
1 point

I think CNN is a pretty well balenced news channel, much better than fox and msn. Still i think the best channel for getting informed is C-SPAN, altough not everyone has the time to sit through all those hearings.

Maybe you should switch over to Fox News ;)

1 point

Judging my the smiley face ting, I am guessing you're being sarcastic. Which is good, Fox being the biased, for want of a better word, bullshit news channel. If you can call it a news channel.