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Debate Score:20
Total Votes:21
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 Pro (9)
 Con (6)

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BrianSanchos(13) pic

Gangsta Rap

There is an ongoing debate about the impact of music on certain listeners – especially music such as « gangsta » rap, with lyrics linked to violence and illegal acts. There is widespread disagreement, for example between the music industry and parents’ groups, about the effect such music has on young listeners, and their behaviour, i.e. does it encourage them to behave in a particular way?


Side Score: 14


Side Score: 6
2 points

Gangsta rap encourages listeners to criminality. This is so on two levels. First, it sometimes uses language that actively incites crime, for example encouraging weapons use, spousal abuse or homophobic attacks. Secondly, it glorifies a lifestyle that is rich with imagery of criminality (e.g. gun use and drug dealing) and this sends out a subconscious but consistent message affirming criminality.

Side: Pro
2 points

Gangsta rap is especially pernicious because it targets the youth market at a crucial, receptive adolescent age. Gangsta rappers clearly seek to appeal to a receptive youthful audience, which is why so many of their images use young people and songs refer to events which would strike an especial chord with adolescents and young adults. This is irresponsible, as it represents an attempt by gangsta rappers to use their power to influence young people with a subversive, anti-societal message.

Side: Pro
2 points

Gangsta rap is socially corrosive because it affirms negative stereotypes. Much gangsta rap revolves around the affirmation of stereotypes, such as black violence and wife beating. It purports to be social realism but in fact conveys a very selective portrayal of life which reinforces already damaging social stereotypes, of groups who are often poorly placed to campaign successfully by themselves against such portrayal. It is therefore right for government to censor such negative stereotyping, as it often does when regulating e.g. race relations or criminal acts.

Side: Pro
2 points

The government has a moral legitimacy in censoring. People correctly look to the government as the public arbiter of common morals, for the wider social good. It is in line with this role, therefore, for the government to take such steps as it thinks necessary to protect the public morality. This may include censorship of things which are likely to cause moral harm, an approach often manifested in e.g. film classification schemes.

Side: Pro
2 points

Censorship would be an effective method of keeping gangsta rap out of the hands of the people who are most susceptible to suffering from its corrosive message. Those who would proactively go to some lengths to obtain the material through black market channels in the event of censorship are not the intended target for such a censorship to affect.

Side: Pro
1 point

I remember when I was younger I used to listen to Rap and Hip Hop. It made me think it was "cool" to be a gangster and sell crack. My role model was 2pac, a gangster who was killed because of a rivalvry he had with another ganster, Biggie Smalls, who by the way was killed 6 months later. It did affect my behavior a lot. I was a rude little runt because I thought it was "cool". If I could go back in time, I'd kick my own ass for letting that garbage get into my head.

Luckily, I matured. I realized that it is not "cool" to be a criminal. Being a criminal makes you a loser and having these people as role models for our children is disgusting. The worse thing is that the media glorifies these criminals and have TV shows showing off their mansions. What does that make a kid think? Hey, if I sell crack and rob people like the music says, I'll have a mansion!

The problem is that it can't be censored. The Constitution protects the freedom of speech. If they do censor it, we'd lose of of our freedoms and end up living like they do in Venezuela, where Hugo Chavez censors anything he doesn't like.

What can be done is that we stop glorifying crime. Talk to your kids about what they listen to and what they think about it. Give them a new role model. If your kid wants to be "cool", encourage him to take sports or hit the gym. Being healthy is a lot more effective way of gaining the ladies attention than trying to rob them.

Side: Pro
1 point

Rap is merely a way for non-white people to use their troubled history and backgrounds as an excuse to offend people and negatively influence them. Instead of trying to improve themselves and prove that they are equal to white people, they think they have the right to glorify all of the negative activity that runs rampant in their communities, especially since they are protected by the amendment that allows unrestricted non-violent expression. The gods supposingly created this particular amendment out of purity of heart, but how in heck are THEIR moralities flawless? Even hypothetical glorification of malevolent messages - which in this case, written lyrics in rap music - can indirectly affect listeners - the listeners subconciously, and by biological human nature, take the lyrics to heart, are affected by them, are influenced by them, and are ultimatly even PERSUADED by them due to propagandization and compositional appeal about the music and the lyrical content it contains. So take a stand and FIGHT to ban rap and other music with ANY offensive lyrical content! To initiate the process to craft our world to perfection!

Side: Pro

Gangsta Rap is just freedom of urban expression. Parents should explain to their kids that the lyrics represent just a fantasy.

Side: Pro

"Ganghsta rap is only the form of entertainment and nothing more. Singers reflect their own opinion their culture, the way they live. Rap fans are often teenagers are well-mannered citizens. Violence is often seen in opera and classic films. Gangsta rap should be banned from the political point of view" (

Side: Con

"Gangsta rap often provide positive role model for young people. They are self-made success stories who have often achieved considerable fame and wealth despite of hardships. Censoring it will provide negative reaction from singers and from listeners" (

Side: Con
TopGun420(34) Disputed
1 point

POSITIVE role model? What kind of morals do you have to think that these guys are POSITIVE role models? Do you think it is OK to reach success by being a criminal? If so, you should be locked up for being a cancer to society

Side: Pro

Gangsta rap does not employ negative stereotypes more than is reasonable. Mostly it is a form of social realism which simply tells hard truths that many policymakers would rather pretend did not exist, not least because in part they reflect those policymakers’ own failures. Even where such affirmation is concentrated in such a way as to make it an unrealistic representation of everyday life, this is no worse than the same phenomenon in other forms of popular culture e.g. soap operas.

Side: Con

Government censorship is a dangerous form of statist control. Even if one accepts the argument for some limited form of government censorship to protect public morals, this needs to be very precisely and conservatively defined to avoid the slippery slope towards creeping totalitarianism. Allowing censorship of popular culture on grounds that the lyrics are mildly subversive is unwelcome as it incorporates a very expansive view of the proper ambit of government regulation. This issue is properly the concern of parents, who should take more interest in, and responsibility for, the music (and films, TV, internet use) to which their children are exposed.

Side: Con

It is very difficult in practical terms to enforce such censorship on a national level. This is especially so because of the global nature of many parts of the music industry, including the cross-country appeal of artists and the international availability of media. Therefore, a ban e.g. on sale of uncensored media could possibly be circumvented by Internet-based file swapping.

Side: Con
1 point

I don't like gansta rap because when they rap they swear, they talk about sex, money and drugs and girls.

Side: Con