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Nargiz(13) pic

Law and Justice

Should the death penalty exist among women prisoners?

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3 points

In my opinion, I think that it's depends on the case,but all of the people are equal in the society, therefore I think, that's it must exist as for male, as for female too.

1 point

It would be a little sexist if they only gave it to men, don't you think?

Women are fragile things and for that reason, they do not deserve such a cruel punishment...bahahahahaha!

Nargiz(13) Disputed
1 point

I think we should escape the stereotype that women have some benefits in the justice system. Do you know that in some cases women seem not so fragile and helpless, also they may commit crime, which is crueler than men do. In some cases woman can beat her children, also i remember one accident,which I saw from the TV news, when young mother throw out her new-born child from the window, and according to her reasons, she just wanted to get rid of him.

Intangible(4934) Disputed
1 point

Wow, you're just yammerin on and I'm not seeing any reason to believe what you say.

That's a lot of premises, do you care to back them up with evidence? I'm patient, just make sure your next response contains another source of evidence.

1 point

I don't think it should exist for either unless there's a really special circumstance.