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 Has Anybody ever seen a Demon or an Angel? (2)

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Demon_Hunter(635) pic

Has Anybody ever seen a Demon or an Angel?

Hey all. New guy here. since religion and God seem to be hot button issues here, I want to ask a question. A serious one.

Anybody ever seen a real Demon? Or an Angel?

I have seen both. Two Demons, together, on one occasion. In a dilapidated house in the hood in a bad part of town, while I was investigating a call for when I worked for the state.

The angel I saw when God saved me, when I became a Born Again Christian a few years ago.

I am not crazy nor am I prone to hallucinations. I was a atheist for many years and didn't believe in these things. But now I know they exist. I think they are just concentrated packets of residual energy. Or energy forns sent by the Creator. Most sightings of them are bogus, though.

I ask for no jokes or mockery as I am interested in sincere sightings. Or you're welcome to say you don't believe, but please explain why you don't.

Away we go....
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Nope. Never seen either one.

I will grant you that it's possible. There are many things in this world which one individual hasn't seen personally but may know could exist. And also there are things we cannot yet explain or don't really understand. But I'm not holding my breath that angels or demons are among those things.

I encountered two Demons in Austin, TX in an old dilapidated crack house where I was paying a service call when I worked for Child Protective Services.

I wont go into what the two of them were doing other to say it involved a young woman. but the physical symptoms I experienced were crazy. Loud buzzing in my ears, like when one of those florescent lights starts to to, but about ten times louder! my heart-rate doubled. I felt hot and sweaty, my face flushed, and I felt nauseous and had to run outside and puke.

neither before or after had I ever hallucinated or felt like that. and when I saw them I really wasn't a believer in them. as I have said before I was raised as an agnostic and then became a full on atheist for years before I got Saved a couple years ago.

after my experience I did alot of research into the field of Demonology. and angels too. I admit the evidence for them is very scant. most of the reports of them are probably bogus. but I will always believe what I saw that day. I have come to think that they are just what I like to call a sort of blob of Energy that is leftover from a horrific event. (this is with Demons.) and for Angels they are sent by our Creator, which is also a type of Force.