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Debate Score:19
Total Votes:19
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 Yes/A few (5)
 No/Not many (7)

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oh-no(119) pic

Has Obama made smart decisions

I don't think he has made any good ones (besides killing Bin Laden)

Yes/A few

Side Score: 7

No/Not many

Side Score: 12

He is president of The United States of America, an entire country is basically under his rule, I think he made some smart decisions along the way.

Side: Yes/A few
oh-no(119) Clarified
1 point

Don't you think he's done bad things like taking vacations all the time

Side: Yes/A few
Quocalimar(6470) Clarified
1 point

Sure, I mean I'm no president I don't know if they were justified or not, and I'm not that into politics, so I don't pretend to know.

But all the question asked was "Has Obama made smart decisions" to which the answer is obviously, you don't get to be president of a country by making nothing but bad decisions.

Side: Yes/A few
1 point

The fact that Muricas still standing shows he made 1 or 2 good calls

Side: Yes/A few
oh-no(119) Clarified
1 point

Haha, yeah stopping illegal immigration is not his strong suit is it

Side: Yes/A few

President Obama has made some very smart decisions, however, there are Republican obstructionists who stand in his way.

Side: Yes/A few
3 points

He still hasn't passed a budget and hasn't shown any realistic ways to reduce deficit besides 'raise taxes' on everything while still funding safety net programs.

Obamacare passed, not successful nor beneficial. 26 states have left it to the federal government to exchange on its own.

Blocked Keystone Pipeline construction.

Shut down White House tours. I have yet to see him on his own provide any realistic way to create middle-class jobs. Gas is still ungodly expensive and nothing has really gotten better for the middle-class.

He's made a few good decisions like bringing our troops home but past that I don't see how we are any better off than we were in 2008.

Side: No/Not many
1 point

You are exactly right, but he did let our troops kill Bin Laden

Side: No/Not many
1 point

Yeah a good one. I miss NASA too, don't think ending the space program was a good choice. A space program is unique, very few countries are privileged enough to have one.

Side: No/Not many
3 points

Seeing as he's ignoring our second amendment rights and also forcing tax payers to pay for abortions, even though it violates religious freedoms, I'd have to say HECK NO!

Side: No/Not many
1 point

I almost forgot about the gun proposals...because that is taking precedence over small things such as...idk national debt. I will pay for abortions because some women find out their baby will have birth defects and choose to abort. Although it is an abused system if those babies were born and grew up they could cost taxpayers millions over their lifetimes from disabilities/medical care.

Side: No/Not many
FearDaTurtle(9) Disputed
2 points

So you're saying disabled people don't have the right to life? That's a but unfair isn't it?

Side: Yes/A few
2 points

No he hasn't some of the things that he has promised he cannot do.

Side: No/Not many
1 point

first of all he very close to the fiscal cliff he is working on dumb stuff like anti-aircraft missles like north korea is really gonna ever even be close to make ther missles hit the us his olny accomplishment was killing osaban

Side: No/Not many