
Debate Info

I have... once. No, never.
Debate Score:11
Total Votes:11
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 I have... once. (5)
 No, never. (6)

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jolie(9809) pic

Has anyone here used an apple as a drug?

I have... once.

Side Score: 5

No, never.

Side Score: 6

That sht is amazin bruh. I'm tellin you.

Side: I have... once.
jolie(9809) Clarified
1 point

Just don't eat it once you're through with it.

Side: I have... once.
Intangible(4934) Clarified
1 point

Whaaat? dats da best part! Youve got me fked up, if you think I aint fincin tu eat dat sht, and i mean that figuratively and literally, bruh and or bruhette.

Side: I have... once.
1 point

Well it's not really a drug.... THC is a natural chemical already in the body. Also i answer all these debate questions with my friend the apple ;p

Side: I have... once.

Yeah, most drugs just activate those chemicals.

I heard that if you practice meditation for a long time, then eventually you can trigger those chemicals in your brain whenever you want, but shh don't tell nobody.

Side: I have... once.
1 point

You can reach that level through meditation. I meditate, the feeling is gone once you move. So that's why weed is better for thc.

Side: I have... once.

What the hell!?! There is drugs in apples!?! I just hope the government doesn't outlaw apples now, making apples illegal and costing $10.00 an ounce.

Side: No, never.
1 point

well somebody is experimenting :D , . . - , , . , , , .

Side: No, never.

Hey you... yeah you! Wana buy a watch? Jus- kiddin kid, I got some apples here, only 8 bucks a pop this time around...

Side: No, never.
1 point

Whaa...I thought i was just being healthy, now I can get high too, favorite fruit ever. Not into shoving it up my dung hole though...using it as a bong is another question entirely...

Side: No, never.

This is obviously a troll post and/or an urban legend.

Drying out an apple would not cause the THC to 'dissipate.' THC evaporates at a temperature notably higher than the boiling point of water. This, among other reasons, is why the drying and curing process of cannabis purportedly enhances its psychoactivity significantly.

Additionally, most absorption takes place in the small intestine. Rectal insertion would only expose it to the large intestine, which primarily absorbs water and water-soluble compounds- thc is not water soluble. I have heard of taking thc rectally, but it always involves infusing the thc into butter or alcohol so the body can actually absorb it readily.

Seriously, where did this crock come from?

Side: No, never.

It's against Buddhist training rules to take intoxicants.

I think recreational drugs in any form are frivolous, pointless and mainly for the weak minded.

Side: No, never.