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 Hillary proven guilty, no prosecutor. Nothing on Trump but NOW they want prosecutor? (2)

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Cuaroc(8829) pic

Hillary proven guilty, no prosecutor. Nothing on Trump but NOW they want prosecutor?

We are watching a soap opera of dysfunctional hatemongering corrupt Democrat politicians and Liberal media.

Democrats were totally opposed to prosecution of Hillary for her proven illegal handling of classified Emails. But when it comes to rumors against Trump, they scream SPECIAL PROSECUTOR, SPECIAL PROSECUTOR, SPECIAL PROSECUTOR!

The double standards from these corrupt politicians is absolutely insane and we have fools who actually vote for these people.
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Hello From:

Yup... DEm librhals is STOOPID, and MEEN.. Amirt?


You just said it. Hillary was investigated and they found her guilty of wrongdoing. What would be the point of a special prosecutor after that? Also its not like they fired the FBI director halfway through her email investigation.