
Debate Info

Hockey Basketball
Debate Score:11
Total Votes:11
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 Hockey (5)
 Basketball (3)

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jamc906(6) pic

Hockey or Basketball?

Which sport do you like better? 


Side Score: 8


Side Score: 3
2 points

I really enjoy both watching and playing ice hockey. I actually started last year (playing that is). I was the goalie for my team. I really enjoy it! I can't really get into basketball, but to each his/her own!

Side: Hockey
2 points

Hockey is a better sport than baseball because hockey has constant action, where as in baseball the action only starts when someone hits the ball and it only lasts for a short little while.

Side: Hockey
2 points

Hockey is way better! It's fast-paced, the action never stops, and it's way more likable than basketball. Plus it had Sidney Crosby, who beats out every know basketball player that ever existed.

Side: Hockey
1 point

Hockey, I don't understand all the rules but I hate basketball....

Side: Hockey

Floorball and Broomball.

Side: Hockey
1 point

I really enjoy watching basketball because I like my favorite team play and shoot the ball. I don't like hockey because you can't even see the puck when I am watching hockey. In basketball you can see the ball on the TV.

Side: Basketball
1 point

Basketball ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, because it is less violent !!

Side: Basketball

I think basketball is more exciting plus there are the March Madness games.

Side: Basketball