
Debate Info

An Occult Ritual Military Intervention
Debate Score:4
Total Votes:4
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 An Occult Ritual (2)
 Military Intervention (1)

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Waylife(12) pic

How Can Society Stop The Evil Which Is Brontoraptor?

The evil of demons cannot be questioned, and the purity of bronto's evil implies a demon to be the only plausible first cause. I fear he plans to bring hell to Earth.

An Occult Ritual

Side Score: 3

Military Intervention

Side Score: 1

It must be cleansed with holy fire and the ashes separated and sent to the four corners of the Earth (i.e. different continents), where they should be buried for no less than two hundred years.

Side: An Occult Ritual
1 point

There must be a public exorcism to rid him of whichever unholy entity has corrupted his mind. It's the only way.

Side: An Occult Ritual

Bronto must be liberated from the demon within and the only way to achieve this, as per Republican policy, is to invade his house and slaughter everyone we find.

Side: Military Intervention