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 How many times have we heard gun control Dems tell us they are not after our hunting guns? (2)

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FromWithin(8241) pic

How many times have we heard gun control Dems tell us they are not after our hunting guns?


How many times have you deceptive liars screamed how no one wants to take our hunting rifles? Remember? Guess what? Most hunters have semi automatic rifles for hunting! These are not so called assault rifles.

THEY JUST TRIED TO TAKE OUR HUNTING GUNS IN FLORIDA! They tried to make semi automatic hunting rifles illegal!

"Florida assault rifle laws fall under federal law with a few additional restrictions. An assault rifle is defined as a hand-held weapon capable of firing in an automatic or semi-automatic mode. A semi-automatic weapon fires with each trigger pull, whereas a fully automatic weapon fires repeatedly, until the trigger is released or ammunition runs out. Both types of gun are known as assault weapons, or military-style weapons."

This is why freedom loving American do not believe a word out of the mouths of Left wing Gun control fanatics. You are pathetic liars and always will be!
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2 points

To deviate slightly I would ask, would hunting animals with guns not be more fair if the prey were also armed, figuratively speaking?

If if this became possible to achieve I'm certain a lot of the big macho hunters would take up knitting or join embroidery classes.

All things bright and beautiful,


all things wise and wonderful,


FromWithin(8241) Clarified
1 point

I have to stop myself from laughing at the hypocrisy from the Left every time they pretend compassion for animals, while at the same time supporting NO RESTRICTION ABORTIONS of even viable babies.

Are you so blind to your own inhumanity when you judge and slander hunters?

I could give you many verses in the Bible speaking to how God gave man animals to eat and for our own benefit.

Do you ever watch nature programs and see how vicious animals are towards each other? They eat their Prey alive! The animal kingdom is a brutal dog eat dog life.

Men shoot the animal in the most humane way possible, We would never purposely torture the animal when killing it. We try for an instant death shot which someday saves the animals an agonizing death from predators.

So I guess you admit what my debate is saying. You are liars whose ultimate goal is taking our guns.

0 points

So tell us once more how Democrats are not trying to take our hunting rifles.