
Debate Info

Yes, yes, the eyes Yes, yes, the face
Debate Score:7
Total Votes:7
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 Yes, yes, the eyes (1)
 Yes, yes, the face (1)

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brontoraptor(28596) pic

How to easily spot a Marxist


Yes, yes, the eyes

Side Score: 2

Yes, yes, the face

Side Score: 5

The alt-right, or alternative right, is a loosely-connected and somewhat ill-defined[1] grouping of white supremacists/white nationalists, neo-Nazis, neo-fascists, neo-Confederates, Holocaust deniers, and other far-right[2][3][4] fringe hate groups.[5][6]

Alt-right beliefs have been described as isolationist, protectionist, antisemitic and white supremacist,[7][8][9] frequently overlapping with neo-Nazism,[10][11][12][13] identitarianism,[14] nativism and Islamophobia,[15][16][17][18][19] antifeminism, misogyny and homophobia,[10][20][21][22][13] right-wing populism[23][24] and the neoreactionary movement.[7][25] The concept has further been associated with several groups such as American nationalists, paleoconservatives, anarcho-capitalists, national-anarchists,[26] paleolibertarians, Christian fundamentalists, neo-monarchists, men's rights advocates and the 2016 presidential campaign of Donald Trump.[15][24][25][27][28][14]

According to a Southern Poverty Law Center report published in February 2018, over 100 people have been killed and injured in 13 attacks by alt-right influenced perpetrators since 2014. Political scientists and leaders have argued it should be classified as a terrorist or extremist movement. The report expressed strong concern about the alt-right, claiming that its ideologies are radicalizing young, suburban white males and helped inspire the 2014 Isla Vista killings, the Charleston church shooting, the Quebec City mosque shooting, the vehicle ramming attack at the Unite the Right rally, the Umpqua Community College shooting as well as other lower-profile attacks and acts of violence.[49] In 2017, terrorist attacks and violence affiliated with the alt-right and white supremacy were the LEADING CAUSE of extremist violence in the United States according to the Anti-Defamation League.[50][51]

Side: Yes, yes, the eyes
5 points

Yes. We saw a guy who campaigned for Obama lead all 9 of them the other day.

Side: Yes, yes, the face
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