
Debate Info

True Wait..., oh..., yeah..., true
Debate Score:12
Total Votes:13
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 True (7)

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joecavalry(40131) pic

How to tell if you are addicted to Create Debate


Side Score: 12

Wait..., oh..., yeah..., true

Side Score: 0
2 points

Question: How to tell if you are addicted to Create Debate

Answer: YOU HAVE 18,990 POINTS!

Side: True

HEY!!!! I resemble that remark :)

Side: True
2 points

If we could downvote on Facebook I would reserve hours in the day to just downvote people.

Side: True

I was at work, in a meeting, and I wanted to down vote the slides so badly that I logged on to CD with my smart phone and randomly down voted someone. Whoever you are..., sorry dude ;)

Side: True
1 point

LOL, I wish I could downvote some of the ridiculous things people just say. X) THAT is bad.

Side: True

I made that story up ;)

Side: True
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