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Debate Score:9
Total Votes:9
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 Agree (4)
 Disagree (1)

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Cidarus(59) pic

Objective human morality cannot come from holy scripture.


Side Score: 8


Side Score: 1
3 points

Objectivity requires reason and factual basis. Holy scripture has neither. It is an indirect source for morality, filtered through an individual or groups preexisting conceptions of right and wrong that are derived from feelings rather than intelligent thought.

Side: Agree
2 points

It is impossible to find objective human morality within any holy scripture. If you say that you take the scripture literally then there are clearly very immoral things within it. If you choose not to take the entire scripture literally and claim certain immoral passages are only meant to be symbolic then you are judging their morality based on something outside of the scripture itself. Therefore your morality cannot be from the scripture.

Side: Agree
2 points

Let's not forget that often the lesson involves god in some way and Therfore only applies to Christians. For instance a lesson might be "submit to god and you'll be rewarded". Following this lesson isn't necessarily right or wrong and only applies to believers in this god. It doesn't help anyone. And there's also the reward part. If you're doing something good for a reward and not just because it's the right thing to do, is that really moral? I dont think so.

Then there's Jesus who did teach moral things, yet, what was Jesus's purpose in relaying these messages? To tell people how to get to heaven. There's that reward thing again. If he said to do these things because they were the right thing to do then they'd be more moral. But, it's always for a reward of some kind.

Let's also not forget that if you need to get your morality that exists as common knowledge in today's world from a 2000 year old story book, you're probably not fit for modern society if you never heard those things before reading them.

Side: Agree

There are some people who have come from homes with no religion that have good morals.

Side: Agree

Simply posting here since the "disagree" column looked lonely :p

Is there a consensus regarding "holy scripture" to base arguments on? I would think the initial assumption would involve solely christianity, though were we to agree that "holy scripture" more broadly referred to all religious/spiritual doctrines, wouldn't it be hasty to assume all doctrines were born of emotional/medieval dogma?

Furthermore, I feel the word "objective" abounds with vainglorious intention. To claim that we may even now utilize complete objectivity is an exercise in righteousness (ironic) rendering this debate a "lesser of two evils" scenario.

Side: Disagree