
Debate Info

Facts No Facts
Debate Score:17
Total Votes:20
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 Facts (8)
 No Facts (4)

Debate Creator

BurritoLunch(6566) pic

I Have Done Nothing Wrong, Insisted Dana

As she emerged victoriously from the pantry, chocolate and jam stains still clearly visible around her mouth and on her clothing.


Side Score: 13

No Facts

Side Score: 4
2 points

I still see no facts supporting anyone sexually harassing this woman...strange. 🤔

Side: Facts

I still see no facts supporting anyone sexually harassing this woman...strange.

Yeah, Dana is literally just a stupid lying bitch. She's one of those people like Bronto where whatever she says, you can pretty much guarantee the exact opposite is true.

About six months ago she went through a phase here where she was systematically accusing every person who argued with her of raping her. That's the God's honest truth. She's got some pretty serious mental health issues. I'd be sympathetic towards her if she were anything other than a malicious psychopath.

Side: Facts
NomLovesMarx(359) Disputed Banned
1 point

Darling you don't see facts period. Mind your own, morals. '

Side: No Facts
Bri3421(4) Disputed
2 points

Who are you calling "darling"? Myself or burrito lunch? If don't even know me so please mind YOUR own, thank you. 😀

Side: Facts
Amarel(5669) Banned
1 point

I don't know what this topic is about. But the best bet is always "no facts" coming from Burrito.

Side: No Facts
1 point

I don't know what this topic is about. But the best bet is always "no facts" coming from Burrito.

Ahahahaha! This is just you all over, Amarel. Yesterday I had to explain to your dumb ass the difference between population figures and stabbing statistics. Today you're back to claim the polar opposite. Another pertinent example of why conversing with you is utterly pointless and achieves nothing. You're very much like I imagine a particularly nagging wife would be like, because you never shut up and I really would like to explain to you that you're stupid without necessarily hurting your feelings.

Side: Facts
1 point

You have slandered and sexually harassed me with multiple accounts, and accused me, of wrong doing. You could tell me to fuck myself, and I would assume it was Monday. I care about Yeshua than you, and your feeling don't matter, when it comes to my life. Foutre vous, mon cher!

Side: No Facts
Spanner(24) Disputed
2 points

Oh wow. You have got a debate up at the moment talking about Nom being "buttfucked" and you are seriously trying to accuse him of sexually harassing you? That's just... Wow.

Side: Facts
YIsRisenLord(1202) Disputed Banned
0 points

Anyone who makes fun of me being raped twice, calls me a rapist, sexually harrasses me, calls me a retard, calls me a conservative bigot, calls me a slanderer, when he slandered me first, Since Andy is pro troll and does not care, I will handle the issue, myself. The war is on, and both of you, can kiss my ass.

Side: No Facts
2 points

You have slandered and sexually harassed me

😆 Hell will freeze over before anybody ever sexually harasses you mate. Keep dreaming.

Side: Facts