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 I Support Bible-based Marriages (15)

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hmicciche(660) pic

I Support Bible-based Marriages

A Bible-based marriage is betwee:

  • One Man, One Woman, and the Son she seduces after he kills his only brother.


  • One Man, His Sister, and the Maid.


  • One Woman and her Rapist.


  • One Man and the Virgin Girls he kidnaps and rapes after slaughtering every man, woman, children, (non-virgin non-female) young, old, infirm and unborn in the city he is sacking.


  • One Man, One Woman, Another Woman, Another Woman, Another Woman, Another (up to 700) Woman...and a group of Raped Concubines.


  • One Daddy, his Daughter, and the Slave he hires to rape her...


A Bible-based marriage is NOT between One Man and Another Man. Because that would be immoral.













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2 points

The "I Support Bible-based Marriages" debate shamelessly ripped-off information from this video...

Betty Bowers Explains Traditional Marriage

And just think 80% of Americans base their morals on the Bible, yet ignorant and selective to much of its dogma. If only they acknowledged the hypocrisy.

Side: Christian Bible Hypocrites
hmicciche(660) Disputed
1 point

Almost 80% of Americans self-identify as Christians. Their morality is a different matter. For too many, it doesn't really matter.

Side: Christian Bible Hypocrites

This video supports the notion that marriage is NEVER between a man and a man. I mean, in all the examples given, it was always a man and any number of women. So we shouldn't be fighting for gay marriage, we should be fighting for polygamy. Who knew the Mormons were right all along ;)

Side: Christian Bible Hypocrites
hmicciche(660) Disputed
1 point

Yes, polygamy, and raping, pillaging and burning.

"I Support Viking-Based Marriages"?

Side: Christian Bible Hypocrites

It is now 2015 and the Supreme Court has declared Gay Marriage to be the law of the land.

Side: Christian Bible Hypocrites
1 point

Your claims are filled with complete error and untruth.

Num 22:6 - The Midianites joined forces with the Moabites in order to smite Israel and drive Israel out of the land.

Israel was at W A R with the nations surrounding them - FOR 40 LONG AND BLOODY YEARS

Israel had already been fighting wars and battles with nearly every major superpower around them.

AND ISRAEL WAS ATTACKED FIRST - Israel was fighting a defensive war against the Midianites.

In - Numbers 31: it explains that - the Midianites had allied themselves and joined with the Moabites AGAINST ISRAEL - to destroy and eliminate the Hebrew people.

Num 22:6 - The Midianites joined forces with the Moabites in order to smite Israel and drive Israel out of the land.

One can pretend, fantasize or imagine that after the Jews achieved victory - that the captured Midianite virgins were passed around and sold and used as sex slaves -

but this is simply fantasy and imagination.


Every single event in the Bible where VIRGINS were spared and saved - was the concenquence of generational war

Israel was defending itself and killing all of the males of the enemy who had been at war with you for many, many years was necessary to win this war.

You simply have no manuscripts for your claims or faith.

Side: Christian Bible Hypocrites
1 point

Polygamy is fully supported in the Bible -

from Genesis to Revelation.

Committing rape and the murdering of the innocent is a fully automatic DEATH PENALTY in the Bible.

And a Concubine is not a sex slave. The Bible says that the CONCUBINE is a wife


Gen_16:3  And Sarai Abram's wife took Hagar her maid ......... and gave her to her husband Abram to be his wife.

And in the Bible when a man has had a wife or had several wives for many years, he often would add concubines to his family and marry a woman as a concubine. This means that his new wife, as a concubine, would not IMMEDIATELY have the same inheritance rights as the firstborn sons and their mothers of the rightful first marriages.

It usually ran in order, as the mother of the firstborn son would receive the family inheritance and the following wives would also receive an inheritance - but a concubine - after some time would pass and as sons and daughters were born to the concubine and the concubines sons and daughters would work and bring in profit and gain / earn - their inheritance as well when they grew older, just as their older siblings before them had done.

Being a concubine means that you are a wife " married " and this is a lifetime union and commitment. But a woman who was a concubine status could not just enter into the marriage and have the rights to what the other wives and their children have - until after she or her children had contributed to the building of the family inheritance.

The Trinitarian and pagan societies have painted a picture that depicts a concubine as some type of sexual slave or sexual bondwoman who is passed around from owner to owner. But in the Bible, her status in the inheritance rights and order of the family. They often went right to work to build their future and inheritance. ---

Israel was a working culture where every able bodied individual worked. '

Not a welfare cult, as we see in today’s society.

The Biblical man did not need to support his wives - they all worked and responsibily supported their family as a marriage unit

You have no idea what the Bible says and your claims are simply untruthful

Side: Christian Bible Hypocrites