
Debate Info

You so terrible... Get over y'self, hippie...
Debate Score:17
Total Votes:17
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 You so terrible... (5)
 Get over y'self, hippie... (11)

Debate Creator

Elvira(3441) pic

I feel bad about myself because I accidentally killed a fly on my screen...

You so terrible...

Side Score: 5

Get over y'self, hippie...

Side Score: 12

Stool, rope, now .

Side: You so terrible...
1 point

I'm such a horrible person... I deserve to die :(

This isn't a laughing matter :'(


Side: You so terrible...
AveSatanas(4443) Disputed
1 point

you didnt let me finish....Stool, rope, now....and string up a pinyata in the fly's honor!!

Side: Get over y'self, hippie...
1 point


Side: You so terrible...
1 point

tru dat thats a tradechy flies are people too on the inside

Side: You so terrible...
2 points

I admire the fact that you feel remorse against something like flies. That to me tells how human you are. I believe humans should have more sympathy towards things that are not human.

You are not a bad person in my eyes, and you didn't mean to kill it. If this really bothers you, just learn from your mistake. Being depressed about it won't change things. Well, i believe that anything is possible lol but i doubt the fly will come back to life when you are being depressed about the fly's death.

My two cents. :)

Side: Get over y'self, hippie...

When your on another website, "eh, get over it", on cd "fuck, I just sent random letters to someone"

Side: Get over y'self, hippie...
Elvira(3441) Clarified
1 point

When your on another website, "eh, get over it", on cd "fuck, I just sent random letters to someone"


Side: You so terrible...
1 point

It is a fly!!!! No one really cares about a stupid FLY!!!! They are one of the most disgusting animals on the face of this planet. I applaud you far killing of one less fly. Thank You.

Side: Get over y'self, hippie...
1 point

Flies literally don't have the capacity to feel bad or sad or even want to live beyond what their instinct demands of them. You harmed no thing in this at all. In fact flies usually die much more horrible deaths than the instant one you provided. If anything it was a mercy...

but it was not anything, because flies don't have that capacity.

Side: Get over y'self, hippie...
1 point

You make me feel much better :)

Side: Get over y'self, hippie...
1 point

It had happens you cannot go back and fix the thing. Just forget about it and move on. The show must go on. You can not just thinking about it for your entire life. You need to pit it down leave it behind and start walking further more.

Side: Get over y'self, hippie...

The food chain will survive. Even if you didn't kill the fly, something would have likely ate it.

Side: Get over y'self, hippie...
1 point

A fly, erm, flew into my eye once. I think it was in my tear duct for a minute or two before it actually crawled back out. -_-

...I'm surprised I don't have a phobia of the things, but who cares that it died. At least you didn't get your eye all germified.

Side: Get over y'self, hippie...