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would you join me? will they burn me?
Debate Score:8
Total Votes:8
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 would you join me? (6)
 will they burn me? (2)

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feelingtruth(2774) pic

If I formed my own "religion"

So, I want to know if I formed a "religion" (but more of a reinforcement of spirituality) would you believe in it and apply it to your life? Because this is my ultimate goal in life is to reconnect people back with "god" through my belief system- I believe god comes from allness, which is a state of existence where all beings are "at one" the one source, where everything comes from, pure conciousness, existence at this dimension would be like being in a kaleidoscope of colors and shapes we cant even imagine in waking conciousness, pure ecstasy, pure bliss.

and "god" volunteered to seperate for the illusion of seperation, so we could experience life and appreciate being united as one when we went through life, the purpose of life... but to get to this state, you dont need ridiculous laws, you need to not judge other people, and just look out for the interest and well being of others, because that is what god is- the universe has no self concern, its only concern is keeping a living environment sustainable and thrivable, it wants to give us what it has

and this is what the bible was trying to say, but these people put human limitations on it, what do you think? these beliefs make alot of sense when you read the bible and then go look out at the stars and say what were they trying to interpret?

would you join me?

Side Score: 6

will they burn me?

Side Score: 2

If you want to see a kaleidoscope of colors and shapes we can't even imagine, try LSD ;)

Side: would you join me?

or DMT right? riiiiight .

Side: would you join me?

I don't think you would have your own religion per se, but some sort of Biblical revisionalist school of thought.

If you were to publish something on your own interpretation of scripture, I'd be happy to check it out.

Side: would you join me?
1 point

Hmm you are insane enough you will be able to finally teach humankind of me correctly.

Side: would you join me?
1 point

How many times have you farted? Just curious to know how many universes you've created...

Side: would you join me?
1 point

Oh, and why do you bother dealing with your anal matter?

Side: would you join me?
1 point

Until there is actual, valid, peer-reviewed, verifiable evidence for the existence of God, my name will never be associated with religion.

Side: will they burn me?
1 point

You said "Created a religion" there is my 1st fault with believing you. it's not a supernatural view on life, given to a humble man, it's a humble man like myself telling me how to live my life.

My second fault is that, I already have a way of life, there would be no reason to upset it, with out absolute surety that something better was in store.

Side: will they burn me?