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Debate Score:36
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Dremorius(847) pic

If Intelligent Life Forms on Other Planets Exist, would they be Christian aliens?

If the Christian God exists, and if intelligent life forms from other earth-like planets exist, would the aliens be Christians? (lol)

Well, personally, I highly doubt it. Christianity might just seem like a petty human cult to them.

Anyway, the Christian Bible says that we were made in God's image...

... not to mention how Jesus is some human dude who died on a wooden composite shape made from earth trees...

Christianity is soo human...


Side Score: 12


Side Score: 24
1 point

Yes, of course. Anything that has intelligence would know that it was created and that it didn't make itself.

Side: Yes
3 points

So if God exists, I'm assuming that he possesses intelligence (since he is said to be omniscient). If I accept your statement, that means that God knows that it was created. So, who created God then?

Side: No
Nick91983(266) Disputed
2 points

From the notion of not making ones self to the belief in christianity is a massive leap. There is no reason to believe that they would have the same religion especially since it is unlikely that they would have had the same guy we had who we call jesus christ. They would have their own religions, or would have died off a long time ago because some religious nut within one of their religious traditions set of a nuclear weapon which killed them all. Religion is a threat to our persistence as a species because it only increases the propensity we as a species have to wipe ourselve out.

Side: No
Dremorius(847) Disputed
1 point

It's just that Christianity wouldn't be in the picture.

Side: No
iamdavidh(4816) Disputed
1 point

Ah, perfectly sensible.

So than a non-created forever god would be an utter moron.

Have fun burning in hell blasphemer.

Side: No
2 points

Would it be wrong to say that I hope not? .

Side: No
2 points


There is no if... it exists over and over again.

would they be Christian aliens

No! Of course not! They have never had contact with this planet!

They most likely have their own ridiculous ideas about magical beings that are just as wrong as those who believe here.

Side: No
2 points

Certainly not.

It would be fun to see how Christians adapted to this. Would they incorporate aliens in the saved-by-human-sacrifice story if they accept Jesus? Would they demand an alien sacrifice should they want their soul saved? Would they believe themselves superior since we're made in god's image and not them presumably?

How many bible verses would be shifted so that they could then claim it was some prophecy fulfilled that there should be aliens?


Side: No
2 points

Absolutely not. Christianity is not even a universal idea on our own planet, let alone on an alien planet.

Religion is determined by location. If you were born in a Western civilization, chances are you will be taught the values of Christianity from a young age.

However, if you were born in the Middle-East, that would simply not be the case. You would most likely be Islamic.

Side: No
1 point

How can you say that Christianity is soo human when you've nothing sentient with which to compare it?

Side: No
Dremorius(847) Disputed
1 point

It's just that jesus was human, the saints are human, God made us in his image... etc

Side: Yes
Liber(1712) Disputed
1 point

What we know of it is human; who knows how much - assuming there is reality behind Christianity - we don't know?

Side: No
1 point

Its a good topic but lets say for a second since in fact we are talking about Christianity then we know that it is referring to God which in the bible says he created this world and universe so if there are aline sin this universe it is safe to say that God created them.. but it does not mean that they would be christian or even religious for that matter. God says he created us in his image not anything else that he may have made in the universe and proof of that is with other creatures on this planet. Even if he created other intelligent life forms in his image on other planets it does not mean they would have had the same sins/problem as we have had that would cause him to send a savior to that world. Or if they did maybe they just have a different religion. And possibly since everything has to come from something its possible that their could be other creators/Gods out there that could create intelligent beings that would have an entire different way of living if this would be possible of course.

Side: No
1 point

Well maybe I think its 1 in a zillion of a chance for a people in spirutural ways and religios ways to be like us

Side: No
0 points

No they would not be Christians because they are not human and they are a different life form. I don't really think there is alien life forms because there isn't any evidence that there is any.

Side: No
3 points

I don't really think there is alien life forms because there isn't any evidence that there is any.

The observable universe contains about 3 to 100 × 1022 stars (30 sextillion to a septillion stars),[37][38][39][40] organized in more than 80 billion galaxies, which themselves form clusters and superclusters.[41]

The sun is just a star. Don't you think with the number of stars in the universe, it's pretty unlikely that only one of them has a planet orbiting it with suitable conditions for life?

Side: Yes
Liber(1712) Disputed
1 point

Don't you think with the number of stars in the universe, it's pretty unlikely that only one of them has a planet orbiting it with suitable conditions for life?

This argument sounds just like the Christian argument for the existence of God.


"The universe is soooo perfect, it must have been created!"


"The universe is soooo big, we mustn't be alone!"

Just because we believe that there is "30 sextillion to a septillion stars" does not mean that there is life on any of the planets orbiting them. Without physical evidence to prove aliens' existence, your argument is a religious one.

Side: No
Saurbaby(5502) Disputed
2 points

How can you believe that in all that space WE are the ONLY living life forms? I find that thought to be incredibly self-absorbed.

And if they did exist, how would your religion explain them?

Side: Yes
Dremorius(847) Disputed
1 point

Do you realize how many planets in this galaxy are almost like Earth? That means that it is possible that they can start to develop life without the need for God to zap em' into existence.

It would take such an extraordinary amount of narrow-mindedness to even deny the possibility that intelligent life forms from other planets exist.

Side: Yes