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 If a German elected Hitler knowing he supported killing Jews, would the voter be culpable? (8)

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FromWithin(8241) pic

If a German elected Hitler knowing he supported killing Jews, would the voter be culpable?

Democrat voters keep telling us they are not responsible for killing viable unborn babies when electing politicians who vow to keep No Restriction abortions legal.

So tell me, would that same denial hold water when a German voted to keep Hitler in power? The German tells everyone he was personally against killing Jews, and is not responsible for dead Jewish people when helping to elect Hitler.

Does that make any sense to you? Me neither!
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1 point

Yes. If someone votes for a politician whose sole platform is about killing off a minority, then YES that person is indirectly culpable for the end result. Should they necessarily be punished for it? Probably not (depending on level of involvement).

Hitler killing Jews and various other minorities is unequivocal to any form of abortion. This is a worrisome comparison as one example takes millions of people regardless of their character and tortures and kills them simply due to their religious affiliation. The other example is deeply personal. Abortions are performed every day on nonviable fetuses, women who have to decide between paying rent and having a baby, women who have been raped (even by their fathers, their brothers, etc). Shame on you for even thinking of comparing the two.

excon(18262) Banned
1 point

If a German elected Hitler knowing he supported killing Jews, would the voter be culpable?

Hello From:

I suppose so...

If a right winger elected an orange man who separated children from their parents and put them in cages, would he be culpable?

I suppose so.


0 points

It's quite amazing how Democrats never respond to my many debates speaking to your support of inhumanity with your vote.

You could at least show some character and admit the obvious just once in your life. But then again, that would required some semblance of character.

Your silence shows what I say to be true, but i will continue bringing it up until one of you Leftists admit your selfish inhumanity.