
Debate Info

My head hurts No, she's now a man
Debate Score:52
Total Votes:58
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 My head hurts (18)
 No, she's now a man (22)

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joecavalry(40131) pic

If a lesbian has a sex change operation, is she still a lesbian?

In 1995, Bono posed for the cover of the gay magazine The Advocate and began working for the Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLAAD).  Now that she's having a sex change operation, is she still considered gay?  What if, after the operation, she decides she likes men after all?

My head hurts

Side Score: 23

No, she's now a man

Side Score: 29
3 points

The proper question is "If a lesbian has a sex change operation, is HE still a lesbian? HE. Not she. Sheesh.

Here is a much more important question. If a plane crashes right on the US/Canadian border, where are the survivors buried?

Side: where are the survivors buried

They don't bury survivors.

My God! You had to dig deep to find this old debate ;)

Side: My head hurts
hmicciche(660) Disputed
2 points

He's are not she's

And there is nowhere a debate can hide.


Side: No, she's now a man
lupusFati(790) Clarified
1 point

Fuck, I'm dumb. And I've even properly answered that one before, too... FFFFFFUUUUUUUU- still funny though eheh.

Side: My head hurts

I miss the good old days when there was no CD and I didn't have to ask these questions ;)

Side: My head hurts
1 point

Yes, after a sex change operation a lesbian is still a lesbian.

Side: My head hurts
0 points

Why do you have to put a label on it?

Why can't it just be?

Side: No, she's now a man

Assigning words to a specific meaning is a human traight. If you like, I guess we can give up on language and just grunt. You know, like Tim Allen on that show, "Home Improvement." We can be like, "Huh?!" But the sentiment would still be the same, confusion, so... ;)

Side: My head hurts
1 point

Well, even though "she" is technically now a "he", she/he was still born gay, so yes, I would count she/he as a lesbian.

Side: yes
1 point

I don't like the term 'sex change' operation.

I think that we should call it gender based anatomy reassignment and gender based chemical alterations.

This way it is less confusing. Sex change implies that a man becomes a woman. While he may look like a woman, and act like a woman he isn't a woman. For that you would have to do the impossible 'Gender based Genetics Alteration'. As long as that y chromosome is there, you can't call him a her.

Though, a lesbian who undergoes a Gender Based Anatomy Reassignment is still a lesbian because she likes women.

Side: My head hurts

Does she still have female reporductive organs? Does she still have the 'XX' chromosomes? She can look like a male, she can have a penis like a male - but her chromosomes say it all: she is a female.

Side: My head hurts

I have no idea. All I know is that life was simpler way back when I was younger. What happened? ;)

Side: My head hurts

Political correctness, that's what happened. Back in the day, you could be executed just for thinking such thoughts.

Side: My head hurts
maquiscat(6) Disputed
1 point

But which chromosomes? There are people known as chimeras who actually have two sets of DNA. One theory of their origin is that they are fraternal twins whose zygotes have merged. One woman nearly lost her children because a genetic test initially showed her DNA did not match. It wasn't until they took a DNA sample from her uterus instead of her mouth that showed she had two sets. So what if a person has both male and female DNA? Maybe the set that is opposite of the genitals formed the brain or the hormone producing organs.

This is not to say that all homosexuals are like this. After all there are those who most certainly identify themselves as the same gender they sexually desire. For that matter there are those who are "straight" who identify themselves as opposite the external gender they were born to.

Side: No, she's now a man
1 point

I have no idea , how this works. 50 characters seem like it's a lot but it's not.

Side: My head hurts
0 points

I don't know but she's gross. ...............................................................................

Side: My head hurts
1 point

What makes you think either one is gross. They're simply choosing to take the final step in what they believe they were meant to be. It's too bad that you are that hard hearted and can't understand what a person like this goes through emotionally before they make that decision.

Side: No, she's now a man
TERMINATOR(6781) Disputed
2 points

What makes her a man? Her desire? Her surgically altered genitalia?

Side: My head hurts

A man attracted to women (a.k.a. a Lesbian after a sex change) is a straight man. A man attracted to men (a.k.a. a Lesbian after a sex change who then becomes attracted to men) is a gay man.


Side: No, she's now a man

You know, that sorta makes sense. I mean, men have been saying that fake boobs are just as good as the real thing. I think it's about time women started saying that a fake penis is just as good as a real penis when it comes to making you a man. Men are defined by their penis (whether that penis is real or not is besides the point). ;)

Side: No, she's now a man
1 point


and I guess depending on how you define a man and a woman, I guess you could say they never were, like if you're going by their mind instead of their body.

like a lesbian would be a woman who feels she's a woman, but still likes other women.

But really, who cares?

Side: No, she's now a man
1 point

It's basically what she ... now he ... identifies as. Often, the most important part of a gender transition is the identity, not the surgery (although the surgery is probably the biggest move). Female-to-male transsexuals pick a name and identify as a man long before they undergo surgery; many start taking doses of testosterone to aid the transition.

So, she is not a lesbian, because she is a he, and he is a man. Identity is more important within our society than biology.

Side: No, she's now a man

For all intents and purposes any person having a sex change is then the gender they chose to be. One cannot be a lesbian after the change and one cannot be a gay male after the operation, even though the plumbing, as it were, is not totally intact. I've known men who have been through it and they are all considered to be a woman no matter what, albeit a sex change. Whether or not she/he would be considered whatever they chose to be in a court of law is all that matters in these cases.

Side: No, she's now a man

Have you seen the new plumbing of a man who became a woman? If so, does it look like the real thing?

Side: No, she's now a man
1 point

The "plumbing" of a male turned into a female looks similar to the real thing, yes. I've not seen a female turned into a male, however...SO DON'T ASK!!!! LOL

Side: My head hurts