
Debate Info

I'd kill it with my loved one let evil live + loved one live
Debate Score:2
Total Votes:2
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 I'd kill it with my loved one (1)
 let evil live + loved one live (1)

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logicaljoe(529) pic

If a loved one was possesed by an evil presence and you had the chance to kill it....

so if your child or your husband/wife, mom/dad was possessed by an evil entity that would kill many others unless you killed it, could you?   OR would you not want to kill it, risk that it kills others, as long as my loved one is still alive and has a chance to be de-possessed.

I'd kill it with my loved one

Side Score: 1

let evil live + loved one live

Side Score: 1
1 point

It depends on the circumstances and thousands of variables. But if they were about to do unspeakable harm to many others and I had just one quick shot to stop it I'd like to think that I would. That's kind of like the flesh eating zombie scenario. If your wife or kid turned zombie and was about to eat the rest of the family could you kill it. I think I could.

But in reality, both I and my loved one should have ample time leading up to that scenario to put either of us back on the right path. Let's not rule out the possibility that the person concluding the other is evil might have mental illness (meaning me). That would have to be figured out first.

Side: I'd kill it with my loved one
1 point

As human we always try to simply our lifestyle. It means we do not run from the problem rather than face it. This innate ability is what has made us rise to supreme power and master the planet. Had the cavemen run away from fire seeing it purge his loved ones, we would not have mastered this element. The more we experience things, face them , study them, the more are our chances to find a cure or develop new technology which will ultimately benefit all humans.

Side: let evil live + loved one live
luckin(175) Clarified
1 point

So just so I understand what you're saying, you would kill your loved one if they got possessed by a demon?

Side: I'd kill it with my loved one