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 If goodmale bans all opposition from his debates, what will he accomplish? (38)

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If goodmale bans all opposition from his debates, what will he accomplish?

I'm stumped.

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2 points

He just wants people to read about how much he loves his dog.

2 points

Sounds to me like the creep should get a blog.Where he can spout his nonsense to people who care.

2 points

The stuff he likes to talk about shouldn't even be on the internet.

Talk about screwing the pooch, huh? ;)

Not everyone who comes here accomplishes something. There are quite a few individuals who come her simply to pontificate to an audience and have absolutely no interest in debating or challenging their or other's views.

1 point

True alot of people do that. There are alot of people that likes to post stupid answer I hate that.

1 point

Well I ask you this, if he does not allow you to spout opposition to his view, would you still be willing to be his audience member?

1 point

Pretty sure he is just trolling. He doesn't seem to debate on anything else. His grammar and vocabulary does not seem to fit his profiles claims.

2 points

That's what I thought. A 28 year old American who worked with animals in Africa? Nah... More like a 14 year old with a dirty mind.

goodmale(1459) Disputed Banned
1 point

Please you wish you have as good of a job as me. I spell like crap because I don't give a crap. I have a big car and a big house so you need to step up your game.

1 point

This site has some good things about it like ease of access, however that is a double edged blade it seems.

The trolling in the new guys Atheism thread is an example. Spammers can just make multiple accounts/continue with a vengeance.

The point system is a bit of an interesting system but is more of a measure of who is more like a person. More votes doesn't mean a winning argument for the most part.

goodmale(1459) Disputed Banned
1 point

hey you have to right to talk after you gave up on a good debate. You couldn't think of anything else just imformed consent that sad.

J-Roc77(70) Clarified
1 point

Informed consent is all i needed to show where your position is hugely flawed. I didn't need to change your mind I just had to show everyone else why you were wrong. If you can't put the pieces together that's your issue not mine. Can lead a horse to water and all.

Again I find you lacking. I am done with you. As always in these situations, last word is yours.

1 point

This dude was trolling me. That why I banned him. He needs a life.

1 point

Bans all opposition? He banned you, no one else, neither does it look like he is going to. You posted to comments in his debate and both of them were passive-aggresive to say the least. You didn't contribute anything but ill feeling so it made sense that he banned you.

GoodMale is either the sickest fuck I know or a troll. Either way, he really gets on my nerves.

Nothing. I seriously hope he is a troll not just some one so messed up in the head that he actually wants to shag his dog.

goodmale(1459) Disputed Banned
1 point

Prove I am messed up, I am abnormal. So what don't get in my business.

1 point

You are not messed up you are just trolling. If you actually are not a troll and are seriously do engage or wish to engage in bestiality then you are messed up.

0 points

Don't cry kid because I banned you for trolling. If you want to talk bad about people you need do better because your work is scrap and mine is rap. lol stick to paper kid.

Intangible(4934) Clarified
1 point

If you want to talk bad about people you need do better because your work is scrap and mine is rap

You forgot the "c"... just say'n.

My lyrical machine gun is about to start sprayin

This nigga rite here has a molecular distortion in his brain

His obsessed with fucking animals, thus he must be insane.

And your a fail ass troll

prosaic like "rick roll"

And types like a mentally retarded 3 year old.

goodmale(1459) Disputed Banned
1 point

If you were smart you would have remember that. I don't give a crap about spelling, Your retarded.