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They are s***holes Other
Debate Score:1
Total Votes:1
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 They are s***holes (1)

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Gore(147) pic

If these countries aren't s***holes, why can't we send people back?

They are s***holes

Side Score: 1


Side Score: 0
1 point

Because P C type hypocrites , crawling media types and grovelling politicians all know they are shit - holes but the P C game instead uses language like “ these countries are in a “ developmental state “ or “ these countries face challenges “ .........

All this is gobbledegook to avoid saying these countries are indeed shit-holes and the reason cited for not sending them back is “ it would be inhumane “ 🤫 But they’re not shit -holes .......Oooookay 👌 😳😳

Side: They are s***holes
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