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 If women want you to look into their eyes, why do they draw attention to their cleavage? (12)

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joecavalry(40130) pic

If women want you to look into their eyes, why do they draw attention to their cleavage?

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Even women have trouble not looking at boobs ;)

The selfies, taken from the top looking down, is so that they don't have to bend over to make it easier for you to look down their shirt. ;)

How about when they push their boobies together like in the picture ;)

Cartman(18192) Disputed
1 point

That's weird, for this picture I was drawn to her hands doing the strange pointing.

I've heard that from gays. You must be slipping ;)

Tittie sprinkles.

I'd look at her breasts because her face is not that gorgeous.

That's how you do a face, and if you've seen her body you'd see it's also distracting, yet I personally am not distracted by it because her face is more appealing.

All of this, face, body, hair, legs, ass, the works. They are all trumped by a girl who has interesting conversation. It does not matter how big they are, if you can think of something fun, clever, or just interesting to say, people will listen.

joecavalry(40130) Clarified
3 points

OK..., see the image you posted? That's not how the game is played ;)

2 points

WTF? Is my scroll button fucked up or is someone screwing with me?


1 point

They want you to work for the pussy. ;)