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 If you had to amputate your body part which would it be? (6)

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kamikaze657(137) pic

If you had to amputate your body part which would it be?

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3 points

Cellulite? Does that count?

Unless you want an actual part-part. In which case, the place with the least nerves. Less pain right? Which would be what, your earlobe?

2 points

Pinky Toe. .

2 points

My knee on the left side, that has been giving me a hard time so I don't mind getting rid of it : )

2 points

Noooo... I wouldn't like that. Can I just donate some of my hair? They are growing way too wild these days.

1 point

The appendix or pinky toe but most like to cut off all excess fat.

I'd choose my...Balls.

LOL I'd keep my organ, just the balls, it'd basically be a vesectomy right?