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 If you won the lottery list 3 things you would buy (12)

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If you won the lottery list 3 things you would buy

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4 points

1. All the upgrades I want done to CreateDebate (starting with more media in arguments)

2. A weekend long rock concert with all my favorite bands (and donate the proceeds to the charity of my choice)

3. well, I don't know...Maybe a cool little (ok, big) home on the coast of Italy or Spain?

Ok, really I am curious to find out what is in the Vatican Archives. So, maybe a donation big enough for them to let me see "all" of their archives + a translator of all the different languages!

Would one of the upgrades be a troll firewall. I highly support that!

3 points

Yes, one that shot first and asked questions later.

2 points

Maybe a soda. A hooker if im lucky and if i have putstanding luck a new guitar. Winning the lottery isn't all its cracked up to be. Needs to be the jackpot before the fun begins.

Some parkour gym equipment, and I guess a huge warehouse to store it in.

Maybe advertisement so I can invite others to train with me.

1) A fake nuclear bomb

2) A dragonfly from call of duty black ops 2

3) An unlimited supply of Prii (Multiple of the car called "Prius"). Just so I can troll drivers.

1 point

1 I would donate 50% to a Bible smuggling operation. 2 I would donate 25% to Planned Parenthood. 3 I would give 25% to my family. 4 I would go shopping with the rest.

addltd(5144) Clarified
2 points

So if you and I did the math properly, does that mean you won't be going shopping?

Cuaroc(8829) Clarified
1 point

I think she means 25% of the remaining amount.

Sitara(11080) Clarified
1 point

I get the last 25%. .

1) my own private island in the tropics

2) an array of military grade weapons and armor, to start my mercenary service

3) invest the rest into weapon research


1) clothes (I like being fashionable)

2) a trip to a different country (not sure which one)

3) save the rest for later

Just like every other rich person; a senator, a mistress, and a good lawyer.

I would go to Nigeria and bribe sweat shop owners to give me their kids for some days and build many nuclear bombs then blow myself and the whole of Africa up.

I wouldn't care how big it was, I just want to die in a huge way.

My own ice cream factory

A mansion in Beverly Hills

My own private yacht