
Debate Info

Yes. No . Its Natural
Debate Score:21
Total Votes:21
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 Yes. (7)
 No . Its Natural (11)

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amandefoe(199) pic

Is Bipolar Considered a Disease ?

I have Bipolar , (and KATIE , YOU DONT HAVE NO RIGHTS TO SAY THAT I DONT LOL ) But anyway , I do , and I dont think its considered a disease because its pretty natural . I have posted a comment on something about Bi Polar-ness , but yeah .



Side Score: 9

No . Its Natural

Side Score: 12
2 points

It may be natural, but so is down syndrome. You can be born with a disease. Though some more serious than others.

Side: Yes.
2 points

It's a psychiatric disorder caused by abnormalities in the brain.

It's not a disease in the sense that it's caused by a virus or bacterial infection, but it's an infliction that can not be controlled by the person.

Similar to schizophrenia.

Side: Yes.

Smallpox is natural. Chlamydia is natural. They're also diseases. Same applies to Bipolar.

Side: Yes.
1 point

I guess what you are asking is can a genetic imprefection be classified as a disease. The answer is yes, a genetic imperfection can be classified as a disease (yes, some are labeled syndrome or other names). I have a genetic form of it from my is a disease and it is genetic.

So, yes Bipolar should be considered a disease.

Side: Yes.

Yes, it's not natural, you can't just be born with it, it adds up over time... the bi polar ness... :D

Side: Yes.
amandefoe(199) Disputed
1 point

You calling me a diseased freak ?

Oh , darling . Thats okay . We will forever and ever be married . But now you have to buy me a new pillow

Side: No . Its Natural

amanda bipolar disorder is a really serious thing and you DONT have it. if you really think you do you should go to like a doctor or something.

Side: Yes.
1 point

Are you kidding me? My sister suffers this DISEASE and it is not natural. People who act 'sort of' bipolar Are doing so because family or social related PTSD . Without treatment with medication bipolar will NOT get better.

Side: Yes.
2 points

no because if you r born with it i would say it is not considerd a disease

Side: No . Its Natural
1 point


It's pretty much just a natural way of showing your emotions towards certain things .

Side: No . Its Natural
1 point

It's a disorder, not a disease. Unless they're the same thing, and I never knew. Lol. Anyways, the majority of people aren't bipolar, so it's not a normal thing to have. It does occur from natural factors, so I'd so no, being bipolar isn't being diseased. At least, I don't think so.

Side: No . Its Natural

If we considered Bipolar a disease, then all women would be considered sick ;)

Side: No . Its Natural

Depends on the definition of disease, but im pretty sure its not one.

Side: No . Its Natural
1 point

Disease as in ....mental . Because I hate when people point it out because its not ! It's normal ! It just your mind reacting differently to different stimulations .

Side: No . Its Natural

Yeah i hate it when people try to say stuff like that is a disease. Some peoples moods just change faster than others.

Side: No . Its Natural

Bi-polar is considered as a mental condition and bi-polar persons are not be be avoided. They are O.K.

Side: No . Its Natural